Taveuni, Fiji Water+Shelter Relief
Donation protected

On February 21-22nd, 2016, cyclone Winston tore through the islands of Fiji and left great destruction. One of the hardest hit islands, Taveuni (The Garden Island) was wiped clean from extreme winds and rain that brought great amounts of corrosive salt water ashore - killing plants and destroying baseline food supplies sush as bananas, papaya and mango trees. It will take months for the vegetation to return and a full growing cycle for crops to replenish.

Worst of all, South Taveuni lacks fresh water resources and they are dependent upon water trucked-in from the North side of the island. In the wake of the storm, precious water supplies have dwindled due to closed roads and failed infrastructure and the only simple solution for fresh water is desalination.

This campaign has a few basic goals - to educate the local population of Tavenui on the basic method of extracting fresh water from sea water via simple steam desalination and provide them the supplies to do so. We will teach them how to boil and condense it and catch the clean water. In no time at all, fresh water can be made and the process can be recreated on a small or large scale.
Funds raised here will go to the purchase of basic materials to create portable desalination kits, travel expenses for a few relief workers+educators, water treatment products and portable shelters. We will address what the needs are as we go and use our discretion how the funds will be spent on the people of Taveuni who have lost everything, including their jobs and income. All proceeds will be spent on the relief effort!
The steam desalination method is quite simple and begins with a pan or tank of sea water that's covered in foil or a metallic surface with a flexible tube through the top that allows moisture to escape the pot as steam and travel toward the catch container. The process happens by boiling water on a wood burning surface, which causes the water vapor to rise and enter the narrow tube as hot vapor. Further down the tube, a cooled condenser area chills and causes the water to become clean, clear liquid again, which in-turn drips into a catch device.

The simplest method to do this is with aluminum foil, rubber tubing and a water bottle or jar to catch the clean water. When steam is formed, it leaves behind salt and impurities that exist as particulates and generates water that is clean and fresh, much like a cloud does when it rains.

What we might see as simple inthe US, is not so in a developing country where supplies are hard to come by, expensive and the knowledge base is very limited. Our intent is to take these supplies to Fiji and show the people how to set up their own systems and maintain them. Our team will also help with the hands-on rebuilding effort and we will provide as many shelter tents and tarps as our funding will provide.
Please support this cause and know that 100% of your donations will go to help these struggling people. No money will be spent on salaries, frivolous supplies or go to any use, other than helping Fijians rebuild their homes and their lives.
Ommmmmm :)

My name is Clark James and I created this project with the support of my dear friends, with the shared goal of showing love for all people and supporting the citizens of Fiji as they recover from this storm. I have been to Fiji 7 times and photographed the country extensively. This relief effort is personal and the people who were deeply affected are my friends in the small villages I know, love and support. Our relief team is comprised of loving, generous volunteers who share my vision and desire to help rebuild the lives of the people of South Taveuni. We will bring them supplies and our knowledge of technology, planning, nutrition, communication and construction.
More information and updates can be found at www.happyabout.me/fiji-relief
To see more photos of the beautiful people and stunning islands of Fiji, please follow these links:
- Paradise - Taveuni, Fiji
- Ba Market - Ba, Fiji
- Best of Fiji 2016
I hope you choose to visit Fiji soon and see why we need to work together to protect these magical people and places. We are all in this together!
Ommmmmm :)

Organizer and beneficiary
Clark James
Portland, OR
Richard Hackett