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Dominique's expenses

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Life can change in the blink of an eye.  On Saturday, September 19th she was having some issues with her memory.  By Wednesday the 23rd she was undergoing an all night brain surgery.

Our Dominique is an amazing woman.   There are so many people in the world that give her the title of "best friend".  She is a mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, and the shoulder to cry on for hundreds of adoring friends. Dom is a doer.  When we need her, she is there.  Now she needs us.

Dom was diagnosed with a Grade 4 Glioblastoma - an aggressive brain tumor.  Surgeons were able to remove much of it, but recovery will be long, scary, and hard.  She will need the loving support of friends and family to get through this.  She would not ask for herself.

Her medical bills are unknown at this point, but they will be enormous.  She needs to focus on healing and fighting, and not on finance.  We can help.


  • Lynn Faulkenberry
    • $100
    • 9 yrs


Leslie Roady Van Kleek
Tualatin, OR

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