The Aquarium Gallery
Between gofund me and paypal, the donations totalled $85,000 within the first 2 days!!
I allowed it to continue today to cover fees associated with gofundme.
Total donated: $90,176.33
I will thank you guys properly on video. Wish me luck! I hope i can keep it together.
ALL DONATORS will be added to a dedicated "SPECIAL THANKS" page when the website to the aquarium gallery launches.
My name is Joey Mullen. Better known at "the king of DIY" on youtube.
Over the last 8 years I have dedicated myself to inspiring and educating my fellow aquarium hobbyists. I have done so, for the most part, through my aquarium channel on youtube.
This year I have commited to building a full aquarium gallery dedicated to furthering education and inspiration for the aquarium hobby. An self contained building showcasing a multidude of aquarium of different sizes, each show casing a different aspect of the aquarium hobby.
Original plans were to do this alone. However, after burning through loans and credit cards fast, I quickly realised that I had gotten in over my head. To complete the building will be $140,000. After promissed help from a couple of amazing sponsors, I am left with $85,000 on my own.
Unfortunatley, I have come to the realization that I can simply not afford it.
Today, I reach out to my viewers for help.