Please help Cambodia village schools
Donation protected
The Kids on the Bridge has evolved during its eight+ years due to changing circumstances, chiefly the covid pandemic. Begun as a simple mission to feed the unfortunate street children of Siem Reap, Cambodia, we now operate two village schools, Sunshine School in Prey Chas Village with 102 students, and Pink Home School in Mondol 3 Village, with about 80 kids.
We provide, through generous donations, basic education in Khmer, English and Chinese languages, art, music, computer science, a lending library as well as environmental care, teaching personal hygiene and sometimes aid to individuals or families in urgent need. More than mere informal schools we have established a social center of sorts, providing clothes, food and other essentials to the elderly in dire need, a total of about 30 such people between the two villages. In addition, we organize holiday celebrations, community dinners and just plain feel-good events.
All of the materials, tools, books, toiletries, foodstuffs, dishes, computers, clothes etc. necessary to these ends are of course provided as funds allow. Our two “teachers”, Han and Mida, receive no salary though we provide them and their families with most living expenses as much as funds allow. When I
have the rare luxury of excess money, I pay them a token salary.
My own mission, as the originator of these schools, is to see to it that any aid we receive is immediately dispensed in the most advantageous way to the kids and others in the village.
As I direct Mida and Han:
“We are not in the business of saving money. People give us money to spend and we spend every dollar we get as soon as we get it.” Our bank account is always near zero, but there’s rice and books. And I keep it that way.
We benefit from the generosity of many people in not only money, but computers, clothing, solar panels, rice and foodstuffs, and occasionally their own time. We always need and appreciate continuing
I could not be more proud of Han and Mida and their families who, as destitute as their neighbors, do all the work and are role models and heroes in their villages. Their achievements are already far beyond all measure. They have saved lives and given great joy, hope and promise for a better tomorrow to all they
Corrina Sysyn
New York, NY