The Ladybroad Ledger Issue #2
The Ladybroad Ledger is a group of female and nonbinary cartoonists from the Burlington, VT area. Our goal is to produce a FREE twice annual newsprint publication to promote comics and comic art by femme Vermont cartoonists and distribute it throughout the state.
Issue #2 will be 16 pages of newsprint goodness with comics by Chelle, Kelly L. Swann, As Little Cooking As Possible, Sandy Steen Bartholomew, Laura Martin, Marissa Perez, Helen Fawkes Franklin, Glynnis Fawkes, Bridget Comeau, Angela Boyle, Hedj, Amy Crosswhite, Susan Norton, Max Handelman-West, and Heather Farrington. It also features a color cover by Julianna Brazil.
This project was created by Stephanie Zuppo (myself) to showcase some of Vermont's incredible cartoonist talent, while also introducing to the general public a wide variety of comic styles and showing that comics are moving away from being a male dominated field.
The money funded through this Gofundme will go towards the cost of printing and shipping 2,000 copies of the second issue of The Ladybroad Ledger. Physical copies of the comic will be distributed and available for free throughout the state of Vermont and at comic shows in New England.
Our last issue proved to be a great success and was distributed to over 30 locations across Vermont. We had a cool release party and were even featured in Seven Days and on VPR.
You can download a free digital copy of Issue #1 at this link.
Issue #2 will be printed through Stigler Printing and will be available in print form in July.
Our funding deadline is July 15th, 2017.
As a thank you for supporting independent comics creators, anyone who contributes money to this project will recieve a downloadable .PDF of the publication when it is finished!
If you are a business, library, or college in Vermont who is interested in stocking copies of The Ladybroad Ledger, please contact us at [email redacted] for more information. Please keep in mind that our paper is NOT FOR KIDS and may contain adult themes and content. Check out our last call for submissions for more information on the content guidelines of this issue.
To stay up to date with this project, please follow us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/ladybroadledger/
Reward levels have been added! Click here for more details.