The P.O.P. Movement
The Pop Movement is spearheading a massive grassroots job creation campaign entitled
Prosperity Over Poverty Job Creation Campaign For Success to create a minimum of 1 million jobs ad 200,000 Entrepreneurs by 2022. This is a national campaign that will be launched February 1-7
from the capitol of The United States of America's #1 economically poorest state: Mississippi in Jackson Mississippi. History will be made again. We need your help. We are Moving Forward & Demanding Prosperity.
The P.O.P Movement is a job & business creation campaign that aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs get their businesses set up properly and up running enough to hire employees or additional employees, that come from our job readiness training program. We focus on helping individuals achieve financial stability, many of which may be from impoverished communities, experiencing hardships, that come from unjust criminal backgrounds, and those that have systematic oppressions to deal with in their everyday lives.
We are creating this crowdfunding campaign to bring in operating funds from donors to help our mission get started faster. We know we need a lot!
About Us
P.O.P Movement is a job & business creation national campaign that aims to help aspiring entrepreneurs get their businesses set up properly and up running enough to hire employees that come from our job readiness training program. We focus on helping individuals achieve financial stability, many of which may be from impoverished communities, experiencing hardships that come from unjust criminal backgrounds, and those that have systematic oppressions to deal with in their everyday lives.
We are creating this crowdfunding campaign to bring in operating funds from donors to help our mission get started faster.
The P.O.P. Job Creation Campaign for Success is a national movement. P.O.P. stands for, "Prosperity Over Poverty," and that's our main goal. We're launching a massive job creation initiative poised to bring substantial, quantifiable change to impoverished communities across the country. Our goal is to create a minimum of 1,000,000 Jobs and 200,000 entrepreneurs by 2022. Pop Training Centers will be put up in mainly impoverish communities every 10-25 miles radius beginning in the state Mississippi.
Our Home office is now located at:
901 Forest Street
Shelby, MS 38774
Our Cleveland MS office can be reached at:
(662) [phone redacted]
Live Your Creed
I’d rather see a sermon than to hear one any day.
I’d rather one walk with me than just to show the way.
The eye is a better pupil and more willing than the ear.
Advice may be misleading but examples are always clear.
And the very best of teachers are the ones who live their creed,
For to see good put into action is what everybody needs.
I can soon learn to do it if you let me see it done.
I can watch your hand in motion but your tongue too fast may run
And the lectures you deliver may be very fine and true
But I’d rather get my lesson by observing what you do.
For I may misunderstand you and the fine advice you give
But there’s no misunderstanding how you act and how you live.
How To Obtain Prosperity Over Poverty
Our founders believe that if we take the power of the people and connect it to the power of pennies, we can have prosperity over poverty. The power of pennies is that everyone pays a little and do a little and our collective strength provides us with what we need. The P.O.P. Job Creation Campaign for Success exists because "we the people" had to find new ways to assist Americans in helping themselves economically.
A Legacy Of Hope
The P.O.P. Job Creation Campaign for Success continues a legacy of hope. Our goal is to provide communities with the means to stimulate our country's economy, returning it to its former greatness and beyond. We provide a financial education to individuals in disadvantaged communities, including middle class communities filled with the working poor due to the continued rise in inflation and tax law changes that have affected the economy in the past and present.
You Can Help
We accept donations. Your generous assistance brings our vision to life and makes economic stability a reality for many Americans. We provide financial literacy seminars to churches and other organizations that donate a minimum of $100 towards our goal.
Our First Target — Mississippi
Mississippi has been has been recorded to be the #1 poorest state according the 2010 U.S. Census Bureau. January of 2016, census data reported more than 611,476 Mississippians were recipients of the SNAP benefit. We had an unemployment rate of 6.8%, which is higher than the national average of 5%. Of those who were gainfully employed, more than 47.3% had jobs in the small business sector. In 2014, The Sentencing Project reported Mississippi's ex-offender population at 260,079. Previously incarcerated persons, even those with higher learning, tend to lose hope in becoming valued members of society. This is particularly due to background restrictions enforced by many employers.
Stimulating the Economy
Without preparation, disadvantaged populations will not be ready to face the challenges of the future. This means understanding not just how to survive, but how to make stable lives for themselves and their families. By launching our job creation movement and campaign, we influence a major economic shift. In addition to providing job training, we can increase the number of successful small business owners. This creates a ripple effect in the marketplace, more jobs, and economic improvement throughout the country.
Campaign Slogans are:
Why We Can't Wait Any longer (from a book Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote in 1963 entitled "Why We Can't Wait.)
Moving Forward & Demanding Prosperity Over Poverty
V.O.T.E.E. Voicing Our Thoughts Economically Everywhere
H.O.P.E. Helping Others Prosper Eternally
"It Is Finished" (One of the last thing Jesus Said before he died on the Cross.)
We are a faith based movement. "Faith Without work Is Dead")