Block Family & Business Diplaced
Donation protected
If you know us or have been our guest at our Bed & Breakfast or one of our devoted customers from Peace of Kauai/Hawaii Ocean Trends, then you know we do every thing with our whole heart. Thursday afternoon our lives and world were changed in an instant. While headed home to begin thinking about preparing to evacuate due to the Possibility of a Volcanic Eruption, soon after arriving we were bombarded by a strong smell of Volcanic Gas. It got stronger quickly until we were choking on it. We grabbed what ever we could, including our 4 dogs and in 10 minutes got baby in the truck and got out of there as soon as we possibly could. All the while one street below us Lava had bursted through the road fountaining 150 ft in the air with the first of what is now several eruptions in our beloved neighborhod and home of 33 years. Our home was not only our life’s effort, dream and safe haven but also Home to our Three Businesses. Every thing other than some clothes and baby essentials was left behind. Yesterday we found out we cannot return for the remainder of our belongings, business good including our loved cats. Because our home represented all of our sources of income we find ourselves not only without a home but completely out of work. Our plan today is to apply for what ever temporary financial assistance is available as well as begin looking for office space for my Private Practice so that we may hopefully bring back our source of income as quickly as possible. Until then we so humbly and with great vulnerability ask for your support to help us through until we can regain our footing. We have been overwhelemed by the love and offers of help and support coming from friends and family. We have been incredibly fortunate to be provided shelter by Josh's Aunt & Uncle and little iokua is adjusting to his new temporary home away from home. Anything helps. Financial or even donated goods, ideas & prayers. Mahalo from Josh, Colleen & Iokua.
*This is Joshua, Colleen & iokua bear Block, raising funds for our family of 3 to get thru this crisis. We lived on Malama & Kaupili of the Leilani Estates Subdivision. We plan to utilize raised funds to pay bills and pay for living expense rent/utlities/food/shelter and baby needs until income can be restored. We plan to give any additional raised funds not spent back to the Leilani community where it is needed.
*This is Joshua, Colleen & iokua bear Block, raising funds for our family of 3 to get thru this crisis. We lived on Malama & Kaupili of the Leilani Estates Subdivision. We plan to utilize raised funds to pay bills and pay for living expense rent/utlities/food/shelter and baby needs until income can be restored. We plan to give any additional raised funds not spent back to the Leilani community where it is needed.
Colleen An Joshua Block
Pahoa, HI