The Bernie Blog : See you in Philly
Donation protected

I wasn't sure when we started The Bernie Blog where we would be one year later, but here we are--we're still going strong. What started out as response to the negative media coverage--or rather the no media coverage whatsoever--of Bernie Sanders has become something much larger than I could have imagined. The Bernie Blog has become a meeting of many great minds who share great thoughts in common: How can we elect Bernie Sanders to the White House? How can we show the positive aspects of his campaign to other voters so they'll come on board and help elect him as well? How can we play a part in the political revolution to create a future we all can truly believe in?
One thing I'd like to do is to cover more Bernie events in person. I'm planning on going to Philadelphia in July for the DNC convention marches/protests. It's definitely a story I don't want to miss. There's also an opportunity for me to hook up with our friends at Bernie2016TV and help broadcast the events live on You Tube.
But it's not a cheap or easy proposition. I've resisted for some time, but now is as good a time as any to introduce a GoFundMe account for expenses for yours truly as the unpaid editor/writer/chief cook and bottle washer of The Bernie Blog. If you have an extra couple of bucks or even that magical $27 donation of Bernie's available and don't mind sharing, I sincerely appreciate it. Thanking you in advance for your generosity.
The Bern goes on...and on and on. Hopefully, it will never be extinguished. #SeeYouInPhilly
Cynthianna Matthews
Fostoria, OH