The Dog Farm Kickoff Fundraiser
When I was around 10, I remember telling my Dad one day while we were out on the grassy hill, south of our house in Marlette, Michigan, "When I grow up, I want to have a home where ALL the unwanted animals can live!"
I finally bit the bullet and started fostering and rescuing dogs from all sorts of shelters and situations. (I know! Like I NEED another dog, right??) :) This is a work in progress and I'm formulating my plans and ideas and hope to see it come to fruition this year! However, I've already stepped up and offered to foster three dogs, and helped organize pulling another for foster care. I've only been able to do this with help from and in conjunction with Lucky Break Pet Rescue in Manchester, Tennessee, and several volunteers from all over the country.
My first, Beth, was extremely fearful and unsocialized, having lived in her elderly owner's back yard until their death and then she found herself at a shelter, scared for her life. Unfortunately, Beth was killed by a car while she was still in her temp fosters' care, awaiting transport to me. Her memory will never die. This is often too common and the pets suffer as a result, the thing their owner would want the least to ever happen. As a result of her story, and the countless others in similar situations, I personally intend to offer discounted legal services to pet owners to organize and make arrangements for their pets in the event their owner passes before they do.
The second was a great heeler mix out of Tennessee that was adopted the second day he was pulled from the shelter! He didn't even have time to meet his foster! :) Those are the stories we love to tell! Binx (formerly, Merle) is now happy and well loved in his Knoxville home!!
The third and fourth dogs are from San Antonio, TX where I've recently become aware of a very grave situation and am doing my part to make a difference. Noodle and Carl were both on death row with no interest and I offered to foster them through Lucky Break Pet Rescue. Like all non-profits, we need YOUR help to make this happen! ANY donation will make a difference and would be greatly appreciated!
Sharing is caring, folks. The power of networking is almost as powerful as prayer. I have many great ideas for fundraising and sponsorship, transport, adoption events, dog training, educating the public on responsible pet ownership, all natural healthcare for the dogs, incentives for fosters, programs to save dogs and help people with disabilities, programs for rehabilitation of the dogs AND the owners.........and, this is where it all starts. I've been told there is a large fee for obtaining your 501(c)(3) status and starting a non-profit is no walk in the park but with that, I can do great things and great things become available to my rescue!! I've also had several friends and individuals step up and volunteer their help and services once this gets rolling along. I know, together, we can make a difference!!
So, please share your wealth and your love through just a small donation. If you'd like to help a specific dog, please note that on your donation; or, if you want to contribute to the formation of The Dog Farm animal welfare rescue and rehab group, make that note; or, if you'd like to contribute to Lucky Break Pet Rescue, please just say the word. We ALL would be very grateful! If there are no notes designating where you wish your donation to be attributed, it will be split up evenly between Noodle, Carl, and formation of The Dog Farm rescue group. Any excess funds beyond what is needed for Noodle and Carl will go directly toward assisting with another rescue, rehab, or adoption.
Thank you so much for helping to make my dream become a reality!!