The Sociopath
Donation protected
He's been called an imposter. A fraud. A charlatan. By his own ghostwriter for his book "The Art of the Deal" he was called a sociopath.
There are many words that describe Donald Trump, and there are just as many words that don't describe him: Conservative. Decent. Presidential.
Donald Trump has spearheaded one of the most divisive campaigns in modern politics and in the eyes of many in his own party, is unfit to hold the highest office in the land.
But when the dust settles, whether he wins or loses, how will these next few months be remembered? Will it be the story of a Republican that hijacked the Grand Old Party? A crony snake-oil salesman that hoodwinked millions?
Will those who stood up to him be remembered for doing so? Will the people who support him ever get a clear picture of who he really is?
Only through documenting his rise to the top of the Republican ticket, exposing the underbelly of the right that put him there, revealing the masses that have been duped by his sales pitch, can anything be learned about who the Republican party is and more importantly, who they must now become.
We would like to raise much more than the amount we have listed. We would like to travel over the next two months with the Trump campaign getting as much footage as we can. And we'd like to push the finished film out in as many venues as possible by October 2016.
Our trailer was made with no budget and is done in the style of the classic David Fincher film trailer for "The Social Network " in order to hopefully draw attention and media to our project by highlighting our skills and attention to detail. Our other work can be seen at our website, Howe Creative .
The director of the film is #NeverTrump advocate and conservative pundit, Ben Howe, who has been a loud part of the movement to stop Trump for over a year.
This film will require money for travel, equipment, staffing, licensing, distribution, and marketing.
We'll need donors, and we'll also need sponsors. Our hope is that this fundraiser is only the beginning of a massive call for accountability and exposure to shine a light on Donald Trump. Before it's too late.
Ben Howe
Charlotte, NC