Help Print "The System" Zine Vol. 2
Donation protected
Last year I edited and released Volume 1 of a zine, or self-published magazine, called "The System That Holds Us Captive", written by numerous Texas prisoners and a formerly incarcerated activist. Our first zine featured artwork and writing on the topic of mental health in the prison industrial complex from the people who are most qualified to discuss this theme--the people who are living it and have lived it. This zine project seeks to bring the voices of the incarcerated out of the darkness and into the dialogue on prisons. Prisoners' voices are rarely heard when we discuss the prison system, and this allows a large amount of denial and misperceptions to build, separating reality from the imaginative portrayals of prisoners and prisons in media and rhetoric of politicians. It is time to listen to prisoners, the formerly incarcerated, and their loved ones when we discuss the future of the prison system.
Volume 2 asks the question "How has the prison system affected your family?" and in this volume we are seeking works from family members on the outside as well as the people on the inside. We hope to show that prisons affect our society on a much deeper level than many people would like to admit; they negatively affect our families, who are the core of society. Because there are millions of people in prison, that means millions of families are currently affected, and millions have been and will be affected in the future. We will hear from people directly about what effects incarceration, isolation, executions and other aspects of our prison system are having in their lives. This is a dialogue that is well overdue and very rare in the US, and especially in the South!
Here's where you come in: we need start-up money to help with designing the zine, buying materials, printing costs, binding, and releasing, mailing, and touring with this publication! The first zine was funded completely out of my pocket, which limited the amount I could print, the amount of promotion, and my ability to circulate the zine. With some help from like-minded people, we could make the second volume a much wider release! I would like to begin with a printing of at least 100 high quality copies for a local release and to mail to our funders; we are also planning on releasing e-book versions and touring with the zine to expand the reach of the project. Are you willing to make a small donation to help this project grow?
For more information on the zine, you can follow us:
Our NEW blog: https://uncaptivevoices.wordpress.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesystemprisonerzine
Incentives for donors:
- Any donations of $10 or more will receive a copy of Volume 2 after printing(estimated release date in December) if you contact me with your mailing information.
- Donations of $20 or more will receive a personal copy, and one to share with a friend, as well as an e-book version of volume 1 which is currently being produced. Must contact the editor with your mailing address and e-mail to receive these!
Contact the editor with questions about this project:
Marie Brignac
[email redacted]
Volume 2 asks the question "How has the prison system affected your family?" and in this volume we are seeking works from family members on the outside as well as the people on the inside. We hope to show that prisons affect our society on a much deeper level than many people would like to admit; they negatively affect our families, who are the core of society. Because there are millions of people in prison, that means millions of families are currently affected, and millions have been and will be affected in the future. We will hear from people directly about what effects incarceration, isolation, executions and other aspects of our prison system are having in their lives. This is a dialogue that is well overdue and very rare in the US, and especially in the South!
Here's where you come in: we need start-up money to help with designing the zine, buying materials, printing costs, binding, and releasing, mailing, and touring with this publication! The first zine was funded completely out of my pocket, which limited the amount I could print, the amount of promotion, and my ability to circulate the zine. With some help from like-minded people, we could make the second volume a much wider release! I would like to begin with a printing of at least 100 high quality copies for a local release and to mail to our funders; we are also planning on releasing e-book versions and touring with the zine to expand the reach of the project. Are you willing to make a small donation to help this project grow?
For more information on the zine, you can follow us:
Our NEW blog: https://uncaptivevoices.wordpress.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thesystemprisonerzine
Incentives for donors:
- Any donations of $10 or more will receive a copy of Volume 2 after printing(estimated release date in December) if you contact me with your mailing information.
- Donations of $20 or more will receive a personal copy, and one to share with a friend, as well as an e-book version of volume 1 which is currently being produced. Must contact the editor with your mailing address and e-mail to receive these!
Contact the editor with questions about this project:
Marie Brignac
[email redacted]
Murree Brignac
Houston, TX