Tiny Therapy Horses Need Your Help
Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses Need Your Help!!!
Gentle Carousel is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity. Several teams of tiny therapy horses visit over 25,000 adults and children each year inside hospitals, hospice programs, assisted living programs and with families who have experienced traumatic events. For the past 20 years these little horses have been bringing their special love where it is needed most, including Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, the church tragedy in Charleston, SC, the tornado survivors of Moore, OK, the victims and first responders of the Pulse Night Club in Orlando FL and the fire damaged communities of Tennessee.
On Saturday March 4th, 2017, two of these exceptionally loving horses were viciously attacked by a pack of dogs that escaped from a neighboring farm. Therapy horse Mozart was killed in his own pasture. Therapy horse Catherine fought for her life for ten days at the veterinary hospital but finally succumbed to her injuries.
The friends of Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses are devastated, not only for themselves, but for all of the young patients who love and are comforted by these highly trained horses.
In addition to the loss of Catherine and Mozart, the veterinarian bills faced by the charity will be enormous. Current estimates are in excess of $15,000.00. Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses does not receive state or federal funding.Their support comes strictly from donations.
Please donate any amount that you are able. This will help the folks at Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses pay their veterinarian bill for Catherine's care. It will also enable them to continue their work with the rest of their therapy horses.
Please visit their website http://www.horse-therapy.org
to learn more about these amazing, loving animals.
You can also visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/TherapyHorses
This is Catherine
This Mozart
Thank you so much for your support
Gentle Carousel is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity. Several teams of tiny therapy horses visit over 25,000 adults and children each year inside hospitals, hospice programs, assisted living programs and with families who have experienced traumatic events. For the past 20 years these little horses have been bringing their special love where it is needed most, including Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT, the church tragedy in Charleston, SC, the tornado survivors of Moore, OK, the victims and first responders of the Pulse Night Club in Orlando FL and the fire damaged communities of Tennessee.
On Saturday March 4th, 2017, two of these exceptionally loving horses were viciously attacked by a pack of dogs that escaped from a neighboring farm. Therapy horse Mozart was killed in his own pasture. Therapy horse Catherine fought for her life for ten days at the veterinary hospital but finally succumbed to her injuries.
The friends of Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses are devastated, not only for themselves, but for all of the young patients who love and are comforted by these highly trained horses.
In addition to the loss of Catherine and Mozart, the veterinarian bills faced by the charity will be enormous. Current estimates are in excess of $15,000.00. Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses does not receive state or federal funding.Their support comes strictly from donations.
Please donate any amount that you are able. This will help the folks at Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses pay their veterinarian bill for Catherine's care. It will also enable them to continue their work with the rest of their therapy horses.
Please visit their website http://www.horse-therapy.org
to learn more about these amazing, loving animals.
You can also visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/TherapyHorses

Thank you so much for your support
Ellen Paul Cecil
Gainesville, FL
Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy Horses