A Heart For Holly
Holly Carroll is a beautiful brave little girl who was born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome in January 2015 and in the first year of her life had open heart surgery twice..Holly is an impatient in Our Ladys Childrens Hospital the last 16months waiting on her gift of life a Heart Transplant. Hollys parents Jessica O'Mahoney and Jamie Carroll have been living on parents accomodation in the hospital for the last 16months along with Hollys baby brother Albie.... Holly got a call last October after travelling to Great Ormond St in the Uk and been prepped for theatre the heart was not suitable and Holly had to come back to Crumlin where she is still today waiting. This is a massive expense on the family paying for accomadation and food travel expenses etc while in hospital with Holly while also keeping up with rent & bills at home so they have a home to return to altogether hopefully some day. Please support Holly, Jess and Jamie & Albie on their journey for "A Heart For Holly"
We haven't updated this GoFundMe with nearly 2years and decided to update to say a huge Thank You to everyone for their support, Holly is still in Hospital nearly 3yrs later waiting for her Gift of Life a new Heart ❤
We ask that you please keep Holly in your prayers and that some day we finally get our girl home to Tipperary!!
Holly hasnt had the easiest of times shes been at deaths door to be given 3days to live not even 2yrs ago and shes still here still holding out for her precious gift shes an absolute warrior and we are always so grateful for every day we have with Holly.
Holly started school in hospital and is doing really good and we couldn't be more proud of her! We are all still living here together including Holly's little brother Albie hes been the boy on this journey hes keeping us all going at this difficult time.
Please talk about organ donation before the worst happens it might make it easier on families once that conversation has been had, we dont wish for anything bad to happen we are just so desperate for our daughter to survive and hope someone in the mist of a tragedy finds the strength to agree to organ donation and our girl gets her 2nd chance at life.
Thank you again
Jessica & Jamie Carroll