Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Brenna Long & Jeff Hatch House Fire

Spende geschützt
Jeff Hatch, Brenna Long and son Arlo tragically lost their home this morning to a fire. Fortunately, they and their dog are all ok, but literally ran out of the house with the clothes on their back. 

This fund will help them get back on their feet and re-build their lives in the immediate. They will need to find a place to live as well as purchase necessities- all belongings, including vehicles, are lost. 

Thank you so much for your community support. These events don't happen often in Park City, but let's show the family that we are there for them. In these freezing temps, let's get help to this family as soon as we can!

Thank you Park City!


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Caitlin Puckett
Park City, UT
Jeff Hatch

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