Trial by fire film on RSD/CRPS
Donation protected
We want to thank all that have helped us get this far. The film is done and we are now submitting to scores of film festivals. We have been made official selections for 6 festivals in less then 3 weeks after completing the film. Our mission now is to win some awards for the film while we help market and get the word out on CRPS. Almost every film takes this same course as the film makers have to find a home or homes for the film. The festivals help gain attention for the film and bring distribution that will allow the film to be seen by millions around the world. We are still raising funds to help cover the cost of the festivals and submitting and other travel related cost to attend and promote. Now is the critical time that we can use this moment to truly get back on many major shows and promote this condition. Now is the time for print and new papaers and scores of press. Once the film is out we wont be able to go back and get the word out so we are still working very hard each day to help this movement. We were just featured in Huffington Post and have many other great pieces coming on this disease. The world is now taking notice.
“Trial By Fire” is a documentary based on RSD/CRPS created by Celebrity Chef Charles Mattocks, as seen on CNN, Dr. Oz, The Today Show and many more mainstream media across the United States and around the world. Charles is also a best-selling author, World Diabetes Advocate and film-maker. Charles’ mother, who is the sister of the late legendary reggae legend Bob Marley, was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS about 4 years ago. Charles, who also recently lost his father from cancer, was moved to create Trial By Fire after seeing his father’s loss and wanting to help his mother who seemingly is at a point where he is in fear of losing two parents in a very short span.

The first trailer for the film Trial by fire
Nancy Cotterman has been a great support to the film, her support group helps raise funds to pay for treatement. They will also be featured in the film.
Charles became engulfed with RSD/CRPS. As a global face for diabetes who has traveled the world to educate and encourage people to live their best life, he saw a need to bring awareness to RSD/CRPS. While doing research, he also saw his own mother undergo procedures that seemingly seemed more about lining the doctors’ pockets then helping her with the pain. The film will follow 2 to 3 main characters, but tell the story of many with the condition.
Charles recently teamed up with Nancy Cotterman and her RSD/CRPS support group where he spent the day filming the many stories. Nancy has been a great help along with the scores of people around the world that have sent him emails wanting this story to be told. Charles has also teamed up with Dr. Hanna out of Clear Water Florida to work alongside him and his team to help the world understand what RSD/CRPS is and some of the many treatments that have changed the lives of many. We have some great stories lined up and will follow the lives of not only his mother but a few others with the condition. This will be a moving and emotional piece that will bring much needed attention. Many ask why do we need help, Charles is an advocate and we are not wealthy, his passion for people has made him focus more on his work in diabetes then being a celebrity chef. So for a film like this to see the light of day it needs the support from those who are personally affected by RSD/CRPS.
Some of those who are helping us move this forward, are fighters for those with CRPS. Big thanks to Maria Anne Tripp Martinez from Teaxs
We created this GoFundMe initiative because we need the support of people with the condition or those who support those living with the condition. We can’t do it alone and it will take a village to support a great cause, hence this initiative to garner your support. The funds will go towards the shooting and the editing process. We would like to have more but we will make the best out of whatever we get. We would love to exceed our goals and have the resources to truly make this project one that can be seen by millions!
Charles will work with the many shows he appears on to market and promote the film, such as CNN, Dr Oz, and others. He will also be covered by many news outlets allowing full exposure. His hope is to bring some serious eyes on the project so we can try and figure out how to cover some of the costs for treatment, make this a condition get more attention and support from bigger companies and help find ways to improve the lives of those with RSD/CRPS. We will also enter many major film festivals around the country and world where we know the film will win many major awards because of the content and subject matter. We are very close to having this conditions story shared.
We will be shooting for about 2 weeks and the edit should take about one month. We would love your support, be it small or large, to help us move forward. Please review some of the links on Charles’ work to see his passion and how much he has done for diabetes worldwide. We need you to help get this to the people, this is a great opportunity for RSD/CRPS to have a voice!
We are also looking for you to submit your video and your story, we can feature you in the film, all videos submitted will be reviewed and we will choose the ones that work with the film and time. When you submit the video that will be your consent to use it.
View some of Charles work
Charles personal site
Charles on CNN
Charles featured on Dr OZ
Huffington post interview
Examiner Interview
NBC/BLK Feature

Chares featured on CNN talking diabetes
Charles trailer for his film on Diabetes
“Trial By Fire” is a documentary based on RSD/CRPS created by Celebrity Chef Charles Mattocks, as seen on CNN, Dr. Oz, The Today Show and many more mainstream media across the United States and around the world. Charles is also a best-selling author, World Diabetes Advocate and film-maker. Charles’ mother, who is the sister of the late legendary reggae legend Bob Marley, was diagnosed with RSD/CRPS about 4 years ago. Charles, who also recently lost his father from cancer, was moved to create Trial By Fire after seeing his father’s loss and wanting to help his mother who seemingly is at a point where he is in fear of losing two parents in a very short span.

The first trailer for the film Trial by fire
Nancy Cotterman has been a great support to the film, her support group helps raise funds to pay for treatement. They will also be featured in the film.

Charles recently teamed up with Nancy Cotterman and her RSD/CRPS support group where he spent the day filming the many stories. Nancy has been a great help along with the scores of people around the world that have sent him emails wanting this story to be told. Charles has also teamed up with Dr. Hanna out of Clear Water Florida to work alongside him and his team to help the world understand what RSD/CRPS is and some of the many treatments that have changed the lives of many. We have some great stories lined up and will follow the lives of not only his mother but a few others with the condition. This will be a moving and emotional piece that will bring much needed attention. Many ask why do we need help, Charles is an advocate and we are not wealthy, his passion for people has made him focus more on his work in diabetes then being a celebrity chef. So for a film like this to see the light of day it needs the support from those who are personally affected by RSD/CRPS.
Some of those who are helping us move this forward, are fighters for those with CRPS. Big thanks to Maria Anne Tripp Martinez from Teaxs

Charles will work with the many shows he appears on to market and promote the film, such as CNN, Dr Oz, and others. He will also be covered by many news outlets allowing full exposure. His hope is to bring some serious eyes on the project so we can try and figure out how to cover some of the costs for treatment, make this a condition get more attention and support from bigger companies and help find ways to improve the lives of those with RSD/CRPS. We will also enter many major film festivals around the country and world where we know the film will win many major awards because of the content and subject matter. We are very close to having this conditions story shared.
We will be shooting for about 2 weeks and the edit should take about one month. We would love your support, be it small or large, to help us move forward. Please review some of the links on Charles’ work to see his passion and how much he has done for diabetes worldwide. We need you to help get this to the people, this is a great opportunity for RSD/CRPS to have a voice!
We are also looking for you to submit your video and your story, we can feature you in the film, all videos submitted will be reviewed and we will choose the ones that work with the film and time. When you submit the video that will be your consent to use it.
View some of Charles work
Charles personal site
Charles on CNN
Charles featured on Dr OZ
Huffington post interview
Examiner Interview
NBC/BLK Feature

Chares featured on CNN talking diabetes
Charles trailer for his film on Diabetes
Charles Mattocks
Kissimmee, FL