Trino's Medical Fund
When Jeremy was 15 he was diagnosed with Marfan's Syndrome, which is a genetic disorder affecting the connective tissues of the body. And in his case it affected his heart. In September of 1998 Jeremy had to have open heart surgery to replace his aortic valve and his ascending aorta. They also had to repair his mitral valve prolapse. However after surgery he got an infection in the valve so a few months later in February of 1999 he flew to Houston, Tx to have 2nd surgery to replace the valve again.
Fast Forward to Now:
On January 26, 2017 Jeremy was admitted to the hospital because he had an infection in his blood and his shoulder. As a result his heart valves were infected as well and damaged. So Jeremy will be moved to a Chicago Hospital where he will have to undergo his 3rd open heart surgery to replace his valves once again.
As of now we do not know how long recovery will be or if he will be able to return to work after his recovery period. With no income coming in, any help you can give to aid in the cost of medical bills, missed work, and the needs of the family would greatly appreciated.