Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Troncone kids' education fund

Spende geschützt
On Thursday night, we firmly believe Ginger was with Fred in the emergency room when he breathed his last breath and his soul went to heaven. All we had was his earthly body so, at exactly 11AM yesterday (Saturday), for an awesome guy who was born on 11-11, a priest administered his last rights and we released Freddy's earthly body from of all the machines and drugs. . . and let him go in peace.

Fred and Ginger were surrounded by close friends and family. Ginger was able to tell the devastating news to their 3 precious children with sensitivity and honesty. The afternoon was spent with some of those that loved Freddy dearly, celebrating how Freddy made our world so much better and talking about all our "Freddy T" stories.

This Go Fund Me account is in lieu of flowers for the funeral and to help with the future education of the Troncone children.


  • Drew Hahn
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Katie Budros
Westfield, IN
Ginger O'Neal Troncone

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