Tsuki The Husky's Operation Funds.
Tsuki the Husky isn't quite two years old yet and she already needs major surgery on her legs. She's a happy puppy who played harder than her body could handle and as a result she ruptured her Cranial Cruciate ligaments in both of her back knees., which means as she walks her entire knee joint slides back and forth, which you can imagine can't be very comfortable, or fun for a puppy who just wants to run around and play with her friends at the dog park.
Tsuki really needs these surgeries, as the only other option for her is to put her down, and as she's had such an impact on our family and everyone who meets her, we wouldn't have been able to bring ourselves to do it to such a young puppy with so much happiness and love in her to give to others.
Tsuki has already had one of her 2 operations to fix her knee, she'll need to spend 6 weeks in a cage and not being able to do alot until it heals before having a 2 week period of freedom before having to go through it all over again. At least she gets to be home to recover... You can check out a video detailing the operation procedures that Tsuki will be having done by clicking here to watch the video.
To pay for the surgery so far my parents have had to borrow money against their house, which isn't an ideal situation for anyone to be in, so I'm hoping a few kind people will help donate even a little bit just to help take the burden off of the cost. My parents and Tsuki will be forever thankful for any amount, I'm sure.
Every little bit helps and all of it will go to my parents to pay for Tsukis vet bills. I'm hoping by Christmas to have as much money raised as possible to surprise them with the money then as a Christmas present, as I'm sure they won't be expecting it, and If by some miracle we raise more than the goal amount, that extra money will be donated or put towards any possible follow up vet visits for Tsuki that we may need the money for. (X-rays, medication, unexpected costs, etc.)
Updates of Tsuki and her operations can be found on this facebook page: Tsuki The Husky