Help Olga attend Climate Conference
Hi friends, thanks for taking the time to consider helping me on this journey!
I'm honoured to have been asked to be part of a formidable activist team attending the Paris Climate Conference in July. Since founding Chemtrails Project UK in 2012, I've been campaigning to advance the UN moratorium to ban and prevent climate engineering that has occured without the public's permission nor consent via "The Directive to Ban Geoengineering and Aerial Aerosol Spraying."
This photo illustrates a classic geoengineered atmosphere with diffused sunlight and whitened sky. It is from the website of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21/CMP11), otherwise known as “Paris 2015” from November 30th to December 11th. The spray and the deception goes on!
To take this action further, I now need vital funding to attend the Conference which "will offer an opportunity to discuss solutions for both mitigation and adaptation issues." As we know mitigation includes the techniques of Climate Engineering.
With the post-2015 Agenda in sight, the Conference offers a venue for scientists, policy-makers, businesses and NGOs to debate with us, the research agenda for the coming years (both via the conference itself and side events organized by stakeholders).
Climate engineers have admitted that at least 100,000 will die if a Global Solar Radiation Management programme is deployed. If no one opposes these operations, essentially a license to kill, they may proceed further without hindrance.
This conference is a runner-up to what will be an historic UN 2015 Climate Agreement in Paris in December. I will be in attendance with Alexandra May Hunter, an environmental law specialist from Arizona, US, who says, "In essence this is the ushering in of Agenda 21, the new world order and further degradation of more of our rights, liberties and sovereignty."
With Max Bliss of The Real Institue, Michael J Murphy of "Why in the World are they Spraying, " Terry Lawton from Wexford Sky-watch and Patrick Roddie from San Fransisco, we will add to the voice of reason, reality and humanity vs insanity, regarding the culminating December Universal Climate Agreement.
Bridging the global problem we face, I will be preparing for a concerted campaign to take this issue to UK Parliament to preserve our atmosphere from Climate Interventions which could otherwise go through uncontested.
Having helped the general public successfully outreach to over 450 MP's, that's 70% of local UK Members of Parliament to demand 6 points of implementation and investigation to end climate changing dumping of aerosol emissions into our atmosphere with little funding, I now need financial support to make this a success.
Much gratutude for those who have donated thus far, your support makes a world of difference..and thank you to all who can help me further to get there all the way!
Love and blessings,
Olga Raffa. x