WHITE Pontifical Mass Vestments
Worthy celebration of Holy Mass deserves the best we can provide.
That means: beautiful vestments!
The Tridentine Mass Society of Madison [501(c)(3)] is dedicated to broaden the use of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in accord with the liturgical vision of Benedict XVI as expressed in Summorum Pontificum, and in unity with Madison's Bishop Robert C. Morlino (aka The Extraordinary Ordinary).
Please help us with this work. Make a tax deductible donation.
Donate NOW while the Dollar is strong against the Euro! Donate NOW before the tax year ends.
We need a Pontifical set in WHITE that can be used by the bishop for solemn occasions and feasts. We have a set in gold silk, but it is a bit delicate. Given that we have Pontifical Masses often, we must obtain a set in white to take pressure off the gold set.
The set will be made by the famous Gammarelli in Rome.
A full Pontifical Set typically includes:
- Chasuble with stole, maniple, burse, veil
- Three dalmatics with 1 deacon's stole and maniples.
- Two tunics with a maniple.
- Humeral veil
- Cope and stole
- Antependium
- Gremial
- Pontifical dalmatic and tunic
- Pontifical gloves
- Buskins
- Fabric and trim for tabernacle veil.
These vestments can also be used for Solemn Masses with priest, deacon and subdeacon.
The set will in the Roman style, of white jacquard damask. In the photo at the top of the this campaign, is a shot of the fabric we are considering along with a sample of trim that works well. We will buy our own fabric to help keep the cost down.
Also, it is possible that the Diocese will have matching chasubles and/or dalmatics made with the diocesan coat-of-arms, which could be used for ordinations.
Any remaining funds from this project will go toward a new set in Rose (wouldn't that be something?) and in Black (the one we have is... meh!).
The RED set you helped to make in action.
We will also be able to make vestments available to other local parishes where the Extraordinary Form is offered. We invested in a military-spec hard, water-proof case in which to transport our beautiful vestments. Here it is packed up for Mass and Confirmations.
During the summer we were able to lend our gold set for the dedication of a new parish church in the diocese.
Please get involved and give us a hand?
Many people working together can accomplish much in a short time.
We need your help.
Blessings and best,
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf (fatherzonline.com )
President - Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
The Tridentine Mass Society is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.