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Break The Norm Children's books

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My name is Yalonda Solseng and my wife is Kayla Solseng. Our dream is to start writing children's books representing the LGBT community. I have already written one book but we still need to illustrate it and start promoting it. We hope to market our books and get them in the school system. This is important to us because we want our future children to have books representing their family at school. The money we are wanting to raise will go towards getting Kayla a new computer to illustrate the books. We also will be purchasing In-Design and will need supplies and money to market our books. Anything helps and our main goals are to inspire others and respectively represent the lesbian community.  

The first book I wrote is about a Momma and a Mommy. I wrote this book about Kayla and I. It is about how I have had baby fever and Kayla wants to wait a little longer for various reasons. It is in a cute poetry form. Kayla and I have yet to illustrate it. I wrote this thinking someday our future child will read this. 


Yalonda M Solseng
Fargo, ND

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