Rob "Wiz" Whisman
Rob " Wiz" Whisman is in the fight of his life right now. Everyone that knows our father knows he is a champion! Last week he was admitted into the hospital and things have taken a turn for the worse. The cancer spread making it terminal , his organs are failing, and he can not breath without a ventilator. Myself and my brother are preparing ourself for the when the time comes to say "SEE YOU SOON DAD " because we know someday soon he will be there to help us transition to the next life. At this time everything is in God's hands. Our father's wishes will be granted and that is for him not to suffer. He told us what he wants done and as his daughter and son we will make sure to have a beautiful memorial service in Pahrump ,a beautiful memorial service in Indianapolis and to be laid peacefully to rest next to his father in Indiana. All support is greatly appreciated and forever remembered.