Unexpected Medical Emergency
On December 3rd, 2016 my dad, Gearold Ledsome was involved in a major automobile accident. The effects of this wreck have caused him to suffer with an open fractured ankle, a fractured collarbone (that will have to be completely reconstructed because it is in pieces), and broken bones in his neck along with swelling on his spinal cord. Because of the swelling on his spinal cord it has kept him temporarily paralyzed from his arms & legs. Once the swelling continues to go down he will hopefully have all of his feeling back, if not, the doctors have said they will perform surgery to help that as well. He will be in the hospital in Abilene for 4-6 weeks at least while he is recovering from 4-5 surgeries. His second one is scheduled for this Friday, the 9th. Because he is unable to move anything on his own, we have all been taking turns staying the night & days with him so he always has one of us to feed him, page the nurse, or do other things he simply cannot do. We have had many people asking to help so we decided to start a page to help bring in any funds to go towards any unexpected medical expenses, travel, food, hotel stay, etc. Thank you so much to everyone who has contacted us during this time & said countless prayers for my dad. We are all extremely grateful and hopeful for a complete healing & recovery.