Meet Pastor Tony Guerin. A Godly man who loves his Lord. As most of you know, my daddy is in double kidney failure. They are not functioning at all. He’s been on dialysis for over a year. A couple days ago, he had an appointment at Tulane (where his kidney surgeon at the Tulane Transplant Institute is located) informed us that daddy does not qualify to be on the transplant list BECAUSE his arteries are hardened. Most of you know that it’s extremely hard to be a candidate to be put on the list due to many restrictions. With that being said, his Dr. did say that if we found a LIVING DONOR who was willing to donate their kidney within thirty days, he feels completely positive that the surgery would be successful. My daddy’s blood type is A+. So he needs A+ or O. Just like any case, bills are piling up and whatever is raised will go towards medical bills and towards the person who is able to donate a kidney to my daddy. I’m kindly asking you, even if you aren’t a match, or can’t donaye a kidney, please share this and share it again. I have more information if you’d like to message me privately. As you can probably see, anything that is raised will go straight to my parents for their email address is listed. Help my daddy find a kidney and help us be able to continue to get him the help he needs. Thank you, and God Bless!