Unite. My heart needs you
Don protégé
English Version-
Juan Diego Fuente Urbina was born in Managua, Nicaragua on January 25, 2018. 2 hours later he was diagnosed with a life-threatening cyanotic congenital heart defect known as Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries. Just 6 hours after birth he underwent heart surgery (atrial septostomy) which allowed him to survive.
In Nicaragua the required medical expertise and equipment are not available to treat this condition. For this reason, at just 10 day old Juan Diego went to see a heart specialist in Colombia. They found that besides having the heart defect (D-TGA) he also suffered from
1) Double-outlet right ventricle*
2) A Ventricular Septal Defect**
3) Pulmonary Valve Stenosis***
Since Juan Diego was just 10 days old and the condition was of a rare form the doctors decided they were not equipped to perform the high-risk operation needed.
Juan Diego needs many heart surgeries in order to save his life. These procedures are extremely costly and our family lacks the financial resources needed to cover even a fraction of the cost. These surgeries are Juan Diego’s only hope for survival. Without these operations he will die. It is urgent that he gets these procedures as soon as possible. As each day passes, his chance of surviving gets slimmer.
We want to thank you in advance from the bottom of our heart for your financial support. We trust God will use each one of you to save the life of our son.
*Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV): is a rare congenital heart defect, meaning it’s a condition a baby is born with. In DORV, the pulmonary artery and the aorta — the heart’s two major arteries — both connect to the right ventricle. In a normal heart, the pulmonary artery connects to the right ventricle, and the aorta connects to the left ventricle. DORV creates a problem because the right ventricle carries oxygen-poor blood, which then gets circulated in the body.
**A Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): always occurs with DORV. This is a hole in the tissue wall (septum) that normally separates the right and left ventricles. The VSD allows oxygen-rich blood to pass from the left ventricle to the aorta and pulmonary artery. But even with this added oxygen, the body may still not get enough, causing the heart to work harder.
***Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (PVS): is the term describing a narrowing in the opening of the pulmonary valve. The pulmonary valve functions as a one-way valve that allows blood to move from the right ventricle (pumping chamber) into the artery to the lungs and prevents blood from leaking back into the right ventricle.
Spanish Version
Juan Diego Fuentes Urbina nació en Managua, Nicaragua el 25 de enero del 2018,a las 2 horas de su nacimiento fue diagnosticado con una cardiopatía compleja de nombre Transposición de Grandes Arterias. a las 6 horas de nacido se le realizó una septostomía que le ha permitido vivir hasta el momento.
Debido a que en Nicaragua no contamos con la tecnología ni la capacidad para atender casos como el de Juan Diego, a los 10 días de nacido fue nuevamente valorado en Colombia por especialistas que identificaron que además de la transposición, él presenta las siguientes condiciones:
1. Doble tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho,
2. Comunicación interventricular restrictiva,
3. Estenosis supravalvular pulmonar.
En ese momento los médicos consideraron que no era apropiado hacer la cirugía debido a la prematura edad del niño y a la complejidad de la cardiopatía.
Juan Diego necesita varias cirugías para salvar su vida. Estas cirugías son altamente costosas y nosotros como familia no contamos con los recursos económicos para poder pagarla. Sin embargo, es la única esperanza para que nuestro bebé pueda vivir, es por esto que solicitamos su ayuda a fin de que Juan Diego pueda recibir estas cirugías lo mas pronto posible, ya que a medida que avance el tiempo su esperanza de vida se reduce.
Desde ya les agradecemos el aporte económico que puedan brindarnos y confíamos en Dios que con la ayuda de todos ustedes lograremos salvar la vida de nuestro hijo.
Juan Diego Fuente Urbina was born in Managua, Nicaragua on January 25, 2018. 2 hours later he was diagnosed with a life-threatening cyanotic congenital heart defect known as Dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries. Just 6 hours after birth he underwent heart surgery (atrial septostomy) which allowed him to survive.
In Nicaragua the required medical expertise and equipment are not available to treat this condition. For this reason, at just 10 day old Juan Diego went to see a heart specialist in Colombia. They found that besides having the heart defect (D-TGA) he also suffered from
1) Double-outlet right ventricle*
2) A Ventricular Septal Defect**
3) Pulmonary Valve Stenosis***
Since Juan Diego was just 10 days old and the condition was of a rare form the doctors decided they were not equipped to perform the high-risk operation needed.
Juan Diego needs many heart surgeries in order to save his life. These procedures are extremely costly and our family lacks the financial resources needed to cover even a fraction of the cost. These surgeries are Juan Diego’s only hope for survival. Without these operations he will die. It is urgent that he gets these procedures as soon as possible. As each day passes, his chance of surviving gets slimmer.
We want to thank you in advance from the bottom of our heart for your financial support. We trust God will use each one of you to save the life of our son.
*Double-outlet right ventricle (DORV): is a rare congenital heart defect, meaning it’s a condition a baby is born with. In DORV, the pulmonary artery and the aorta — the heart’s two major arteries — both connect to the right ventricle. In a normal heart, the pulmonary artery connects to the right ventricle, and the aorta connects to the left ventricle. DORV creates a problem because the right ventricle carries oxygen-poor blood, which then gets circulated in the body.
**A Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD): always occurs with DORV. This is a hole in the tissue wall (septum) that normally separates the right and left ventricles. The VSD allows oxygen-rich blood to pass from the left ventricle to the aorta and pulmonary artery. But even with this added oxygen, the body may still not get enough, causing the heart to work harder.
***Pulmonary Valve Stenosis (PVS): is the term describing a narrowing in the opening of the pulmonary valve. The pulmonary valve functions as a one-way valve that allows blood to move from the right ventricle (pumping chamber) into the artery to the lungs and prevents blood from leaking back into the right ventricle.
Spanish Version
Juan Diego Fuentes Urbina nació en Managua, Nicaragua el 25 de enero del 2018,a las 2 horas de su nacimiento fue diagnosticado con una cardiopatía compleja de nombre Transposición de Grandes Arterias. a las 6 horas de nacido se le realizó una septostomía que le ha permitido vivir hasta el momento.
Debido a que en Nicaragua no contamos con la tecnología ni la capacidad para atender casos como el de Juan Diego, a los 10 días de nacido fue nuevamente valorado en Colombia por especialistas que identificaron que además de la transposición, él presenta las siguientes condiciones:
1. Doble tracto de salida del ventrículo derecho,
2. Comunicación interventricular restrictiva,
3. Estenosis supravalvular pulmonar.
En ese momento los médicos consideraron que no era apropiado hacer la cirugía debido a la prematura edad del niño y a la complejidad de la cardiopatía.
Juan Diego necesita varias cirugías para salvar su vida. Estas cirugías son altamente costosas y nosotros como familia no contamos con los recursos económicos para poder pagarla. Sin embargo, es la única esperanza para que nuestro bebé pueda vivir, es por esto que solicitamos su ayuda a fin de que Juan Diego pueda recibir estas cirugías lo mas pronto posible, ya que a medida que avance el tiempo su esperanza de vida se reduce.
Desde ya les agradecemos el aporte económico que puedan brindarnos y confíamos en Dios que con la ayuda de todos ustedes lograremos salvar la vida de nuestro hijo.
Organisateur et bénéficiaire
Tania Urbina
Norwalk, CA
maria luisa delgadillo