Luca Iclodean - Las Vegas Shooting
Donation protected
Vin in fata dumneavoastra cu un caz aparte pentru mine (prieten din copilarie cu parintii), la o nevoie de credinta si multa, multa dragoste intre crestini.
Cazul meu e unul special...LUCA ICLODEAN, in varsta de 24 ani, este unul din victimele impuscate in atacul sangeros care a avut loc duminica, 1 octombrie, la Mandaly Bay Hotel din Las Vegas. Luca a fost in timpul serviciului, este un baiat cuminte si foarte responsabil, muncea mult si nu se dadea inapoi de la nimic...visul lui este sa ajunga la Big Brother, USA. Locul si timpul nepotrivit a facut ca baiatul sa ajunga pe masa de operatie, in coditii destul de complicate, glontul a patruns prin ambii plamani, situatie care implica un termen indelungat de recuperare. Fac apel la toti romanii, si nu numai, sa-l ajutam pe acest tanar sa poata merge mai departe cu recuperarea si cheltuielile in America sunt exagerat de mari. Orice suma e binevenita..."Putin cu putin se face mult"!
Dumnezeu sa binecuvanteze pe toata lumea cu sanatate si multa bunavointa...Doamne ajuta!
Luca Iclodean, a 24-year old Romanian from Cluj-Napoca, was among the over 500 people injured in the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night.
He was admitted in critical condition and underwent surgery. A bullet punctured both of his lungs and the surgeon had to remove two thirds of his right lung. The surgery went well but it will take Luca a long time to recover completely.
Stephen Paddock, a 64-year old man, killed 58 people and injured over 500 others at a country music concert in Las Vegas, before being shot by the police. We are collecting funds for his hospital bills. His family appreciates every donation no matter how small. A little goes a long way. Lets all unite and give Luca a helping hand. God bless everyone !
Vin in fata dumneavoastra cu un caz aparte pentru mine (prieten din copilarie cu parintii), la o nevoie de credinta si multa, multa dragoste intre crestini.
Cazul meu e unul special...LUCA ICLODEAN, in varsta de 24 ani, este unul din victimele impuscate in atacul sangeros care a avut loc duminica, 1 octombrie, la Mandaly Bay Hotel din Las Vegas. Luca a fost in timpul serviciului, este un baiat cuminte si foarte responsabil, muncea mult si nu se dadea inapoi de la nimic...visul lui este sa ajunga la Big Brother, USA. Locul si timpul nepotrivit a facut ca baiatul sa ajunga pe masa de operatie, in coditii destul de complicate, glontul a patruns prin ambii plamani, situatie care implica un termen indelungat de recuperare. Fac apel la toti romanii, si nu numai, sa-l ajutam pe acest tanar sa poata merge mai departe cu recuperarea si cheltuielile in America sunt exagerat de mari. Orice suma e binevenita..."Putin cu putin se face mult"!
Dumnezeu sa binecuvanteze pe toata lumea cu sanatate si multa bunavointa...Doamne ajuta!
Luca Iclodean, a 24-year old Romanian from Cluj-Napoca, was among the over 500 people injured in the Las Vegas shooting on Sunday night.
He was admitted in critical condition and underwent surgery. A bullet punctured both of his lungs and the surgeon had to remove two thirds of his right lung. The surgery went well but it will take Luca a long time to recover completely.
Stephen Paddock, a 64-year old man, killed 58 people and injured over 500 others at a country music concert in Las Vegas, before being shot by the police. We are collecting funds for his hospital bills. His family appreciates every donation no matter how small. A little goes a long way. Lets all unite and give Luca a helping hand. God bless everyone !
Organizer and beneficiary
Lucian Muresanu
Kenosha, WI
Alina Iclodean