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On May16 2017 my precious sister Stacey Hayes-Alkire Michael received a call no parent wants to ever get. It was her son's Navy officer informing her that her son was extremely ill,in a coma,intubated,brain swelling and they had no idea why. Since that very call our whole family has been in constant prayer. That very call has taken my sweet sister across oceans and far from home but constantly by her son's side. He has had some improvements but is going to have a very long recovery. This is hard on our close knit family. There are lots of trips across the country and lodging and day to day things my sister and family will need. We are giving thanks to our Lord and savior for everyday we get closer to having our boy back completely. Jake Hayes is a wonderful soul that we all love and cherish. For everyone that has joined us in this journey we say thank you greatly
Charity Hayes-Thompson
Shawnee, OK