ANSTO & Uranium TV series F.o.I.
In July and August of 2015, the TV documentary series Uranium - Twisting the Dragon's Tail premiered on SBS in Australia and PBS in the USA. It was presented by Veritasium host Derek Muller, and produced by Gene Pool Productions.
Consisting of three one-hour episodes, the series explored uranium's history and its uses- from nuclear weapons to nuclear power and nuclear medicine. Meanwhile, a Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission was underway in my home state of South Australia. The Commission concluded that laws preventing nuclear industrial development in Australia should be repealed.
The Uranium TV series' production's funding partners included government agencies Screen Australia and Screen Victoria, and two senior public servants acted as advisors to the production. One of them was Dr Adrian "Adi" Paterson, Chief Executive of the Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO). ANSTO was also a key contributor to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission in South Australia.
As a public interest researcher, I am seeking to use the Freedom of Information Act to ascertain the extent and nature of ANSTO's involvement in the making of this documentary TV series. I have been informed that an estimated 600 pages of documentation and correspondence may be made available, pending the payment of administration fees, totaling $200.
Following its receipt, all documentation will be released into the public domain via the website: http://RightToKnow.org.au
As an independent researcher, I do not have the means to pay these costs without your help. Your donation will help make this document release and its analysis possible.