USA Knights 2015 Video Project
This fundraiser is being held to produce a video documentary of USA Knights at the International Medieval Combat World Championships in Malbork Poland in April, 2015.
USA Knights or the Armored Combat League is the original American team to participate in full-contact international medieval armored combat competiton. This is the most intense and fastest-growing combat sport in the world today. Clad in steel armor and weilding blunted swords, maces, aves, and polearms, the fighters strike, punch, kick, and grapple through duels and mass battles against the best in the world!
Over the past four years the team, and its skills and performance, has done nothing but grow and improve. At each rod championship event the team has done better and better, and at the inaugural IMCF World Championships last year, brought home the gold! This year's world chanpionship is sure to be an historic event. There will be more teams than ever, and the returning veterans will be joined by an enthusiastic crop of rookies. These American knights will be coming from all over the country to Poland. For some it wil be the first time they have ever left the US, for others it will be a return to the country where the team made its first appearance on he world stage.
I have always beieved that this sport needs to be documented and these people deserve to have their stories told as they risk their bodies and represent their country for honor and glory in this most rare and intense challenge. We have lined up a small team of talented and experienced videographers and tech people who are donating their time and efforts to produce a video documentary of the team at this event and we need your help to make it happen. We need to get this team to Poland, we need to put them up in a hotel for the duration of the event, and we need to feed them.
I have produced a documentary of this team before, at tour first trip to the world championships in Europe four years ago. You can see a trailer for that here http://youtu.be/40C9NTsFRao. It is my intention to make this better, grander, and with much greater techical facility.
As in all my previous fundraisers, I have lined of a wonderful selection of "perks" in consideration f your help and generosity. Of course the centerpiece of this is the video itself, which can be yours for a mere $25 condribution. There are, however, many more rewards and reward packages available, ranging from a postcard and a listing in the credits to posters, t-shirts, hoodies, personal appearances, and more!
Bios of the people involved will appear here in the coming days, as will additional valuable perks.
We are asking for contributions to cover the basic expenses of this project: Arifare, hotels, local transportation, and food.
Our estimation of the per-person costs are as follows:
Flight from NYC to Gdansk -$1000
Six days in a local hotel in Malbork - $300
Transportation to and from the airport - $100
Food stipend - $200
Total per person - $1600
Total for the three person crew - $4800
Bios of the people involved will appear here in the coming days, as will additional valuable perks.
Thank you so much for your consideration. If you do support us, know that we will do everything we can to make the video that comes out of this event one that you will be proud to have made possible!