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Help a Storyteller Graduate

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My name is Maasai Mohandas Singleton. I'm a second semester senior at USC in the Writing for the Screen and Television program. I write things like Dorkly style skits about Pokémon as a food source, Teen Titans Go episodes where Starfire "Supermodels" Lex Luther's newest line of war suits, and adventure screenplays about international rap tournaments in Japan. But, in order to move foreword with this work, I need help.

With only one month before my final semester, my father has informed me that he won't be helping me with tuition. The timing of this information is such that I'm not able to apply for many financial aid options that would otherwise be available. I've met with the financial aid office, and even with loans, I simply won't be able to make up for the nearly $30,000 due this semester to cover the final 20 units that I need to graduate. Tuition is due in just three weeks.

If you help me graduate I will be exceedingly grateful. I hope you would consider any shares, tweets, prayers, and donations an investment in future stories. By sharing with your social networks or campaigning with your organizations, you can help me create work to inspire others.

Every little bit counts. The stories we see on streaming, TV, and film are all made by other human beings. Maybe by someone like me who needed the support of their community, everyone giving just a little bit, to move foreword with telling the stories you love.

Thank you and Happy Holidays.

-Maasai Mohandas Singleton


  • Anonym
    • $400
    • 9 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $2,000 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs


Los Angeles, CA

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