Horne Turner Layman Plaque Fund
This fundraising page was established to raise money to purchase and dedicate Plaques for USS Horne, Horne commissioning Captain Stansfield Turner and Horne's 6th commanding officer, Rear Admiral Lawrence Layman to be installed at the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial during the 2019 USS Horne Reunion.
USS Horne (DLG-30/CG-30) was a San Diego based guided missile cruiser commissioned By Captain Stansfield Turner in 1967. Horne served in the Pacific Fleet for 27 years before its decommissioning in 1994. From taking part in Mig shoot-downs in Vietnam to directing sorties during Operation Desert Storm to assisting United Nations efforts during Operation Restore Hope, Horne and her crew served the United States valiantly.

Admiral Turner was the Key Note Speaker at Horne's 1st reunion in 2003 and held a special luncheon for 33 Horne Plankowners and their guests during the reunion.

Admiral Turner passed away on January 18, 2018. He was 94 years old. He is well respected and admired by the Plankowners and other Horne alumni who suggested we not only honor Horne during the 2019 Reunion, but also Horne's commissioning Captain.
Just 2 days after the passing of Admiral Turner, another Horne Commanding Officer passed away. Members of his crew suggest we also honor Rear Admiral Lawrence Layman during our 2019 Reunion.

Rear Admiral Layman first served aboard the USS Marshall (DD-676) as an Ensign, spending eight months in Korean waters. He went on to serve as the Executive Officer on three ships; USS Cayuga County (LST-529), USS Direct (AM-430), and the USS King (DLG-10). He also served as the Operations Officer on the USS Somers (DD-947) and Communications Officer, Destroyer Flotilla Seven embarked on the USS Topeka (CL-67/CLG-8). He commanded the guided missile destroyer, USS Joseph Strauss (DDG 16) during Vietnam War, including support of the Tonkin Gulf and U.S. Marine operations. Finally, he commanded the guided missile cruiser, USS Horne (DLG-30/CG-30)
- "America's Finest Cruiser". He was the commanding officer of Horne from June 1975 until August 1977. His shore assignments included serving as Chief of Staff at the Defense Communications Agency (DCA) and and was selected for Rear Admiral in 1979. His service included Director of Command and Control for the United States European Command. He returned to the U.S. to serve as Vice Director of the DCA followed by Director of Naval Communications for the Chief of Naval Operations. His last assignment was Director of Space, Command and Control reporting directly to the Chief of Naval Operations.
Rear Admiral Lawrence Layman was scheduled to speak to Horne alumni at the US Navy Memorial during the 2017 Horne Reunion in Washington DC. For health reasons, he was unable to attend. He regreted not being able to speak to Horne crew members and sent the following note:

To honor Admiral Stansfield Turner, Rear Admiral Lawrence Layman, the highly decorated ship on which they served and all Horne Veterans, this fund was established to purchase a commemorative plaque for USS Horne and memorial plaques for Stansfield Turner and Lawrence Layman. These plaques will be etched in granite and displayed in perpetuity at the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial in La Jolla, California.
A dedication ceremony will be attended by former Horne crew-members, their family, friends and others during the 2019 USS Horne Reunion held in San Diego. Any amount raised in excess of the required $5,400.00 plaque fees will be used toward dedication ceremony expenses (chair rental, pa system, refreshments, etc) during the 2019 Reunion.
You may also make an off-line donation by check made payable to HORNE REUNION and mailing to:
PO BOX 1663
Thank you in advance for your support! And please watch the following video to learn more about Mt. Soledad.
Mt Soledad National Veterans Memorial