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veteran kitties need Urgent Help!

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War veteran's best companions need our help. This man is my friend. He served 12 years in the Marines. He recently lost his service dog Jazz to cancer. All he has left are Duke and Blue,his two cats that are his life. I noticed that both Duke and Blue did not look good. Duke was,nit eating. Blue was,very congested. I offered to take them to the vet since I knew he could not afford it and would never ask for money. $700 later,we found out Duke has severe stomatitis requiring medications, and has mouth issues that require having all his teeth pulled. His prognosis is good once all this is done but his medical bill will be $3200. Poor Bluehas a severe Upper Respiratory Infection and needs medication to clear this up. His bills are in excess of $1700 with blood work x-rays and medication. I want to help but I am not rich and just trying to be a friend of a man who served our country helping all of us. I figure now it is time for us to help him. He won't ask for help but his heart is breaking knowing his two best friends need medical help in order to survive.


Toni Ising
Bridgewater, NJ

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