Vitella Williams & Elijah Okikiola
I am sadden to announce that the love of my life and the father of my 3 beautiful children's, Elijah Okikiola has passed away. This loss was not only unexpected to myself but too many others that he has touched in his own unique and special way.
As many would say "Elijah Okikiola could walk into a room and light a darkened room up with his smile, jokes, and humor". Although the cause and circumstances of his passing is irrelevant to whom he was, we all know that it was just too soon for all of us to lose a man of such character and intelligence.
I am blessed an honored to say that he has given me 3 of the most loving children that any wife or mother could ask for. However, the thought of raising our 3 children in his absence just seems unjust for myself but most importantly, the children. However, with the love of both of our families and friends I trust that all will work out somehow some way.
Unfortunately, due to Elijah's unexpected loss, I am faced with the responsibility of ensuring that he is sent home respectfully as we all deserve to. With that in mind, what I am seeking is to raise enough funds to lay my husband, my friend, my children’s father as well as your friend, your co-worker, your cousin, brother, nephew, son, uncle or whatever relationship title that each of you hold in your own special way, to rest in peace, honor, and dignity.
If you are not able to contribute financially, myself and my family would appreciate your time by contributing to my family by prayers, respect, and by remembering Elijah’s positive characteristics so that his smile and fun personality is what each of us remember.
Lastly, I would like to say ....
“Elijah, I thank you for giving me 3 amazing children. I promise to cherish your intelligence, strength, and all the fun times we shared. I am now faced with a chapter in my life that is missing a very important piece, YOU. However, I promise to ensure that each additional chapter in my life has “US” somewhere in it. My husband, as I try my best to live life in your absence from this day forward, I pray to God that you rest in harmony and peace.”
Love your children's mother and your wife,
Vitella Williams