Political Campaign
Donation protected
Sides with you!
I am not a career politician.
I am an independent candidate, a
teacher, and an activist.
I am Alderman
Ward 4
Angel Will Fight For:
Safer streets and better quality neighborhoods.
A deposit return recycling program.
Alternative energy and more cash incentives for solar energy.
Lower property taxes by implementing a head tax on Amazon, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and Starbucks.
Local resolution to get big money out of politics. (MoveToAmend.org)
Getting the lead and fluoride out of the drinking water.
Updating our sewer and water systems.
The city to stop overpaying for coal and use savings to clean up ash ponds and lower electric rates.
VOTE Tuesday April 2, 2019
Vote Early Starting February 21st
Ideas to make Springfield a better city: call [phone redacted] or email [email redacted]
Angel Sides- Unlike her opponents, not a go-along get-along politician
Why should Springfield update the sewer and water systems?
Springfield has infrastructure that needs updating. When sewage backs up into the basements of the residents of Springfield, it is a sanitation problem and a health hazard for your family.
Springfield has older neighborhoods with older pipes including lead. When School District 186 flushed the water lines before retesting, after finding a high level of lead in their water systems, they conducted the test inaccurately. The test will not be accurate when water lines are ran for several minutes before testing the water, therefore, we have a lead problem, here, in Springfield. Lead poisoning can effect physical and mental development in children. Lead poisoning has been linked to autism and the CDC has predicted by 2050 half of all babies that are born, will have autism. This infrastructure problem should be top priority.
Why should Springfield provide its own broadband network?
By having its own broadband network Springfield could expand service, provide more affordable, faster service, and best of all secure net neutrality. It would safeguard residents from increasing prices and even separate charges for each application. This would ensure residents will never have to pay extra for any special account such as: Facebook, Twitter or You Tube. When residents wish to organize an event they are assured others will see it, even if it counters big business or the government because it gives internet users a protected freedom of speech. It protects small businesses from slow and fast lanes and being overshadowed in advertisements by big corporations.
If the city of Springfield took over the duties of the Capital Township, it
would save the city close to one million dollars a year! I support this resolution.
I will also fight to get multinational corporate money out of our election process and to overturn
Citizen's United to restore our Democracy. Move To Amend has a local resolution to get
Big Money out of politics. This must and will be passed!
World's eight richest
people have same wealth as the bottom 50% of the planet.
The U.S. is an “Oligarchy of unlimited
political bribery; a complete subversion
of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.
- President Jimmy Carter
Sign the petition at MoveToAmend.org
*Hundreds of Americans, including me,
gathered at Democracy Springs to get big
money out of politics and like Martin Luther
King, we were arrested for standing up for
what we believe in. I was proud to be ar-
rested alongside: Code Pink, Wolf PAC, and
The Young Turks.
Why We Need To Get Big Money Out of Politics
1 Pharmaceutical companies lobby for key legislation to allow for high
drug prices; to enable the opioid crisis and dangerous psychotropic drugs
to be prescribed to children...all the while sponsoring the media to limit the
coverage of this.
2 The fossil fuels industry lobbies congress for subsidies and to delay
alternative energy, even though, James Hansen from the NASA Goddard
Institute was quoted in the N.Y. Times stating that if we do not keep 80% of
fossil fuels in the ground it will be “game over” for our planet.
3 The insurance companies lobby congress to keep this country in a for
profit health care system even though Universal Health Care works in every
other industrialized country in the world and could save the country 600
billion dollars a year. The media spins this issue and black balls politicians
who try to enact legislation.
4 The chemicals industry lobby congress to cut the budget of the Depart-
ment of Environmental Quality by 1.8 million so there is little accountabil-
ity for dumping toxins in our biosphere that cause cancer, autism, liver and
kidney disease and other health and reproductive problems.
5 Contractors, security firms and weapons
manufacturers lobby our congress for 60% of the
taxpayers’ discretionary spending to be spent on
perpetual war...In summary the elite few do not
want our taxes to be returned for the needs of the
people; they want our tax dollars and have disap-
peared 21 trillion dollars from the Pentagon in the
last two decades. When congress will not bite the
hand that feeds them, we will pass a resolution to
get big money out of politics...city by city by city.
Vote Angel for Alderman on April 2nd!
Sides with you!
I am not a career politician.
I am an independent candidate, a
teacher, and an activist.
I am Alderman
Ward 4
Angel Will Fight For:
Safer streets and better quality neighborhoods.
A deposit return recycling program.
Alternative energy and more cash incentives for solar energy.
Lower property taxes by implementing a head tax on Amazon, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and Starbucks.
Local resolution to get big money out of politics. (MoveToAmend.org)
Getting the lead and fluoride out of the drinking water.
Updating our sewer and water systems.
The city to stop overpaying for coal and use savings to clean up ash ponds and lower electric rates.
VOTE Tuesday April 2, 2019
Vote Early Starting February 21st
Ideas to make Springfield a better city: call [phone redacted] or email [email redacted]
Angel Sides- Unlike her opponents, not a go-along get-along politician
Why should Springfield update the sewer and water systems?
Springfield has infrastructure that needs updating. When sewage backs up into the basements of the residents of Springfield, it is a sanitation problem and a health hazard for your family.
Springfield has older neighborhoods with older pipes including lead. When School District 186 flushed the water lines before retesting, after finding a high level of lead in their water systems, they conducted the test inaccurately. The test will not be accurate when water lines are ran for several minutes before testing the water, therefore, we have a lead problem, here, in Springfield. Lead poisoning can effect physical and mental development in children. Lead poisoning has been linked to autism and the CDC has predicted by 2050 half of all babies that are born, will have autism. This infrastructure problem should be top priority.
Why should Springfield provide its own broadband network?
By having its own broadband network Springfield could expand service, provide more affordable, faster service, and best of all secure net neutrality. It would safeguard residents from increasing prices and even separate charges for each application. This would ensure residents will never have to pay extra for any special account such as: Facebook, Twitter or You Tube. When residents wish to organize an event they are assured others will see it, even if it counters big business or the government because it gives internet users a protected freedom of speech. It protects small businesses from slow and fast lanes and being overshadowed in advertisements by big corporations.
If the city of Springfield took over the duties of the Capital Township, it
would save the city close to one million dollars a year! I support this resolution.
I will also fight to get multinational corporate money out of our election process and to overturn
Citizen's United to restore our Democracy. Move To Amend has a local resolution to get
Big Money out of politics. This must and will be passed!
World's eight richest
people have same wealth as the bottom 50% of the planet.
The U.S. is an “Oligarchy of unlimited
political bribery; a complete subversion
of our political system as a payoff to major contributors.
- President Jimmy Carter
Sign the petition at MoveToAmend.org
*Hundreds of Americans, including me,
gathered at Democracy Springs to get big
money out of politics and like Martin Luther
King, we were arrested for standing up for
what we believe in. I was proud to be ar-
rested alongside: Code Pink, Wolf PAC, and
The Young Turks.
Why We Need To Get Big Money Out of Politics
1 Pharmaceutical companies lobby for key legislation to allow for high
drug prices; to enable the opioid crisis and dangerous psychotropic drugs
to be prescribed to children...all the while sponsoring the media to limit the
coverage of this.
2 The fossil fuels industry lobbies congress for subsidies and to delay
alternative energy, even though, James Hansen from the NASA Goddard
Institute was quoted in the N.Y. Times stating that if we do not keep 80% of
fossil fuels in the ground it will be “game over” for our planet.
3 The insurance companies lobby congress to keep this country in a for
profit health care system even though Universal Health Care works in every
other industrialized country in the world and could save the country 600
billion dollars a year. The media spins this issue and black balls politicians
who try to enact legislation.
4 The chemicals industry lobby congress to cut the budget of the Depart-
ment of Environmental Quality by 1.8 million so there is little accountabil-
ity for dumping toxins in our biosphere that cause cancer, autism, liver and
kidney disease and other health and reproductive problems.
5 Contractors, security firms and weapons
manufacturers lobby our congress for 60% of the
taxpayers’ discretionary spending to be spent on
perpetual war...In summary the elite few do not
want our taxes to be returned for the needs of the
people; they want our tax dollars and have disap-
peared 21 trillion dollars from the Pentagon in the
last two decades. When congress will not bite the
hand that feeds them, we will pass a resolution to
get big money out of politics...city by city by city.
Vote Angel for Alderman on April 2nd!
Angel Sides
Springfield, IL