The Ely Area Veterans Memorial
Donation protected
I am an 82 years old and veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars, I was medically retired from the Navy with 22 years of service, I served on one Destroyer Escort and four Destroyers, my korean service was with the Armys 7th ID, C btry 31st FABN 1951-1952.
I want to build this Memorial for the Ely Area Veterans that will take in all of the wars and conflicts from WWI to date.
Ely, MN is a community of about 4,000 population, we had 5 KIA during WWI, 52 KIA WWII and three KIA in Korea, the men and women of Ely have always stepped up when our country has called.
The money raised will be used to help build the memorial, $8,000 has already been raised, $10,000 has beed pledged as in kind services, we hope that we will have enough funds to start the work in the spring of 2016
I belong to 8 different veterans organization which I am a life member of all of them, I have been working for the Veterans since my retirement in 1972, The men in my family myself and four brothers all served in the Navy and three of us served in the Army, my two oldest brothers were in the navy during WWII, three, one navy two army in Korea and two, one navy and one army in Vietnam, my Grandson is presently a C130 pilot for the AK NG and has deployed on three occasions and is scheduled to deploy in the spring his wife is a Captian in the Air Force.
I will be very thankful to see this project come to frutation especally during this time when we are not certian from day to day of when we have to send more of our youth into harms way.
I want to build this Memorial for the Ely Area Veterans that will take in all of the wars and conflicts from WWI to date.
Ely, MN is a community of about 4,000 population, we had 5 KIA during WWI, 52 KIA WWII and three KIA in Korea, the men and women of Ely have always stepped up when our country has called.
The money raised will be used to help build the memorial, $8,000 has already been raised, $10,000 has beed pledged as in kind services, we hope that we will have enough funds to start the work in the spring of 2016
I belong to 8 different veterans organization which I am a life member of all of them, I have been working for the Veterans since my retirement in 1972, The men in my family myself and four brothers all served in the Navy and three of us served in the Army, my two oldest brothers were in the navy during WWII, three, one navy two army in Korea and two, one navy and one army in Vietnam, my Grandson is presently a C130 pilot for the AK NG and has deployed on three occasions and is scheduled to deploy in the spring his wife is a Captian in the Air Force.
I will be very thankful to see this project come to frutation especally during this time when we are not certian from day to day of when we have to send more of our youth into harms way.
Dick Zahn
Ely, MN