Mbale Schools Band - Uganda
Located near the rainforests of eastern Uganda, Mbale might be the last place in the world you would expect to hear a british style brass band. Yet, every afternoon the air is filled with the marches, gallops and ballads of the Mbale Schools Band.
Seven years ago the Mbale Schools Band project was founded to bring music education to the children of Uganda. This growing afterschool program teaches young people how to read music, and play a brass instrument.
Although music is a part of the social fabric of Uganda, very few Ugandans read music. In fact, when most students enter the Junior band they don't even know music can be written down! That's why a major focus of the band program is music theory and musicianship.
There are now over 500 students in several bands throughout the region. These students learn the value of music and how to value themselves. Older students are now the leaders of the bands and several current and former students have been earning an income through playing opportunites.
As the Mbale Schools Band program continues to grow so do their needs. Buying instruments, uniforms, new music, and repair tools is a struggle in a country where the median annual income is less than $1,000.
The program is working hard to keep what instruments they do have in working condition but, y need new horns to keep the program growing to reach new areas of Uganda.
That's where you can help. By donating the the Mbale Schools Band program you will help these children play on quality instruments. But, you will also be helping them learn dedication, a craft, self discipline and the joy of making music.
We know, without a doubt, the value of a fine arts education. We know that it is an integral part of a child's development. We insist that music is taught to our children because we understand how important it is. The Mbale Schools Band program is a way you can make music education a reality for so many children in Uganda.