Please Help Us Keep Our Boxing Gym Open. We are under a Non Profit 501c3. Asking For Donations, For Our Gym, Monthly Rent, Electric, Gas and Water We are also In Need Of New Boxing, Equipment. New Ring, Team Uniforms, Boxing Gloves, HeavyBags,, Head Gear,HandWraps, ect..... Also In Need of a Vehicle, Van or Bigger Car, To Fit our team in, as We Travel To Competitions, Events, and Sparring in Different City's or States . We also help pickup the kids for weekly gym class in our 2007 Toyota Corolla, That is in need of Lots of Repairs.. Plus We do not all fit, so sometimes we have to travel in 3 or 4 different..cars. We have done this for 11yrs. With the Same Vehicle.. Tulip City Athletic Club/SBC. has Helped the Youth in Holland For Many Years. Boxing Saves Lives. Learn Respect, Teamwork, Confidence, Selfesteem, Motivation, Get in Shape. Plus more. We also Take Some of Our Team, To Volunteer at Boys & Girls Cubs . and have Worked With Juvenile Kids To Help Them Get on The Right Track. Thankyou. TulipCityAthletic Club /SBC. We Appreciate any Help! Recipes Upon Request. Account Set Up at Macatawa Banks. Holland mi.