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Help for family in need

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Sergiu a fost un baiat plin de viata, iubitor si saritor la nevoie. Niciodata nu putea spune nu cand era vorba de ajutor. Astazi a fost ultima sa zi pe pamant,ultima zi cand s-a bucurat de viata, de un rasarit, de un sarut de la fiica si sotia sa, de glasul celor dragi, din pacate Sergiu a decedat intr-un accidemt groaznic astazi 1/30/2018. Truckul pe care il conducea pe rampa care uneste Highway'urile I-355 cu I-80 east (Chicagoland)  a derapat, a sarit peste bariera de protectie catapultand-ul pe Sergiu din cabina cu tot  scaun, avea centura pusa. Sergiu a decedat pe loc, a fost cu greu recunoscut fiindca capul i-a fost zdrobit. In cabina se afla si fratele sotiei care a scapat cu viata , el este internat la spital la momentul de fata. Sergiu a lasat in urma sa o sotie tanara si o fetita de doar cativa anisori. Familia este disperata si in stare de soc, Sergiu era unica sursa a lor de existenta.  Va rugam frumos din  tot sulfetul sa dati o mana de ajutor. Dupa cum intuiti toate serviciile funerare costa o sumedenie de bani, este nevoie de o suma foarte mare ca Sergiu sa fie adus intr-o stare normala, pentru a fi ingropat cumsecade.  Sa ajutam aceasta tanara mama care si cu cat poate, desi acum suna greu, fata are toata viata sa inainte, are de crescut o scumpete de fetita, are o viata pe care trebuie sa o traiasca. Va rugam sa ajutati acum, in cel mai greu moment sa nu se simta singura, sa vada ca este sustinuta. Atasez linkul cu stirea de la NBC Chicago. Numele baiatului este Sergiu Balint. Dumnezeu sa il ierte si sa va pazeasca pe toti de primejdii, si asemenea cumpene! Din cauza ca oamenii buni doneaza activ si in caz ca se ajunge la suma initiala si ca sa nu se suspendeze donarile , initial am marit suma de la 20 mii pana la 40 mii, acum am sa maresc suma pana la 80mii. Va multumim frumos din suflet pt receptivitate ai sustinere. Va rog cine are posibilitatea sa dea o mana de ajutor sa o faca. Inca odata multumim.   Banii donati vor fi scosi de Carolina Eni care este safety managerul si ownerul la compania unde lucra Sergiu, si vor fi folositi pt toate procedurile necesare. Sotia lui Sergiu acum nu este in stare sa aiba grija de asta. Ea se afla in preajma Carolinei. Sergiu was a young man full of life, loving and always ready to help others. Never said no when it came to helping others. Today was his last day here with us, last day when he enjoyed life, a sunrise and a kiss from his wife and daughter. Tragically today, 1/30/2018  Sergiu died in a horrible crash. The truck he was driving on I355 and I80 east skidded and ran over the ramp pushing Sergiu out of the truck with the chair and killing him on the spot.  In the same truck with him was his brother in law whom survived. Sergiu left behind a young wife and a baby girl not even 2 years old. Desperate and shocked, the family needs a lot of support for the funerals since Sergiu was the only source of income. As you might have guessed funeral services are very expensive and family needs a lot of money to bury him.  So, let's help this young wife with the expenses and not forget that she has a daughter that she will have to raise alone from now on. EVERY penny counts so let’s show her that she is not alone, and she has our support. I attached the NBC link with the crash. Sergiu’s full name is Sergiu Balint. May God rest his soul in peace, and keep all of you safe and away from this kind of tragedy. Because people are actively donating we increased the amount so you can still donate without issues. We thank you again for your support, and for helping Sergiu take his last trip…the trip to eternity. All money donated here will be withdrown by Carolina Eni, who is the safety manager and the owner of the company Sergiu was employed by, and will cover all the necessary expenses for Sergiu to be buried. Whatever is left will be donated to his widow wife and baby daughter. Carolina Eni will take care of all the arrangements since Sergiu’s wife is not able to take care of everything on her own right now. We thank you for understanding and your overwhelming support. God bless you.


  • Myroslava Pohar
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • Vasyl Avram
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • vitali panicerschi
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • Carina Taraburca
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • Olga Turcan
    • $10
    • 7 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Ion Chescu
Schaumburg, IL
Carolina Eni

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