Wai for AntiGravity Fitness!
Since the beginnging of time, human beings have been fascinated with the art of flying. Wai is no different. While the Wright brothers flew on machines, he flies on silk.
Dear family and friends,
It's Wai. Asking is for your dollar vote is hard. However, my dedication to design a life that I truly want triumphs the uneasiness of asking. So here I am.
I discovered AntiGravity (AG) at a class offered at Westminster College about 2 months and have been searching for every opportunity to learn this style of fitness ever since. Zero-gravity spinal decompression is my favourite. I'm telling you this thing is addictive, almost like drugs. Ashley (who runs xcountry) getting a good zero-gravity spinal decompression
All the 3 instrutors who have taught me (Trianna, Jenna and Kacie) have inspired me to take my practice to the next level and they actually think I'd make a good AG teacher!
One general observation I have made is that this practice draws mostly women; men are less interested because of the perception that is for the ladies. It is not. In fact, I believe the men who engage in sports and weight-bearing activities would benefit the most, given how much physical stress they place on their body, specially their spine and lower back.Here is my lifting buddy Adam and I relieving some teions in our necks
AntiGravity Fitness turned my world upside down, literally. I am in love with the joy of flying and I want to share the joy of flying with the people around me. I have been introducing all my friends to join me for fundemental classes and free tryout session at every possible opportunity. My wellness buddy Ben and I with the amazing Jenna who sparked me off for this Teacher Training workshop
Now I want to become a master the practice and teach others! So I am committing to the upcoming AG Teacher Training course in Salt Lake City, and you can help make that happen with your dollar votes!
I am in need of financial support for the, which costs US$1200 (which poor college kid has $1200 to whip out for a 4-day workshop?). Course details are attached as a photo.
***LetMeReturnTheLove***As a symobol of appreciation for your support, here is what I hope you will accept in return:
For donations of the following amounts,
$1-99: 1 week unlimited AntiGravity fitness trial group classes (retail value: $90)
$99-199: 1 month unlimited AntiGravity fitness trial group classes (retail value: $150)
$200 and above, I would be happy to teach 3 private fundemental classes for you, your family and friends on a public holiday of your choice (availbility of studio withstanding).
Without making empty commitments, it is in my head to bring AG back to Singapore and Myanmar in the future! Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Wai is a full-on fitness and health geek who finds it hard to sit still. He has a passion for a lifestyle of fitness, love and happiness. The human body to him is a canvas and we are the sculptors who have the power to create a masterpiece.
After discovering AntiGravity Fitness recently, the playfulness of the child within rekindled and he wants to share that with joy with those around him. He needs your dollar votes to make that happen!
Oringinally born in Myanmar, his family migrated to Singapore when he was 11. Before coming to America to study Business at Westminstere College on a schoarship, he founded DamnGoodTEEs.sg, successfully flew a solo flight and served in the Singapore military.
AntiGravity Fitness is a low-impact workout that simultaneously decompresses your spine and strengthens your musculoskeletal system. It adds an entirely new dimension to your fitness routine, and supports you in your everyday atheletic endeavours of every form.
I won't bore you with the details, but I can confidently say it is one of most rewarding forms of fitness.
P!nk performing Glitter In The Air at the 52nd Annual GRAMMY Awards on Harrison Hammock:
AntiGravity in 1 min
About AntiGravity in 1 long page:
Benefits of AntiGravity Fitness:
Christopher Harrison’s Personal Guarantee:
“If you can ‘suspend your disbelief’, I guarantee that I can make you healthier, happier and taller, in just one session.”