Walking While Black Film & Movement
Donation protected

THANK YOU FOR HELPING US TO REACH OUR PRODUCTION GOAL! We have closed out this successful campaign, but we are still accepting contributions here to help us reach as many people as possible with our message of L.O.V.E.! Please visit www.LOVEIsTheAnswerMovement.com to see what's new for 2018, where we'll be doing events and how you can join the movement to teach people how to L.O.V.E. each other!
RENT THE FILM NOW at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/wwb3dayrental
Here's a look at what we were able to accomplish together in 2017 and in the years leading up to the release of the film:
Hollywood FAME Award-winning Director and Producer A.J. Ali, and Director of Photography and Producer Errol Webber (Cinematographer on an Oscar-winning film and a Sundance-winning film) have teamed up to create a film that is making a distinct difference in the areas of social justice and racial reconciliation.
"Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer” is a documentary film that premiered February 1, 2017 to help bridge the gap between peace officers and the communities they serve. The film, which comes in a 94-minute theatrical version and an equally powerful 60-minute classrom version, uses a proven set of action steps called L.O.V.E. (Learn about the community you serve, Open your heart to the people in it, Volunteer yourself to be part of the solution and Empower others to do the same) to repair broken relationships between peace officers and others in the community to ensure the 14th Amendment’s promise of equal protection under the law and to add to the safety and protection of peace officers who bravely protect and serve their community every day.
See this TV news clip from Congressman Elijah Cummings hosting a screening: http://baltimore.cbslocal.com/video/3642006-screening-held-locally-for-film-on-police-community-relations/ .
Our film (and companion book, soundtrack and workshops to come) will teach members of the same community how to love each other. Every day in the news, we are seeing stories of racial profiling and injuries or deaths of innocent people at the hands of rogue police officers, with very few prosecutions of those officers. As a result, we are seeing more and more stories of protests and even violent retribution leading to injuries and deaths of innocent police officers. What we are NOT typically seeing are viable, scalable solutions being offered by our leaders in law enforcement, media, government, nonprofits and ministries.
Gandhi said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Jesus said “Love your neighbor.” That’s exactly what we are doing with this film and movement.

RENT THE FILM NOW at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/wwb3dayrental
"Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer,” offers a viable and scalable solution that can work in every community in the nation. Through several real-life examples, including a community-policing maverick in Baltimore (see his Ted Talk at http://go.ted.com/CSo9 ), a police chief in Santa Monica who is guiding the transformation of a police department and the powerful story of the bond that developed between a white police officer and a black man he framed in Michigan (see the CBS news report on their friendship https://youtu.be/7wffHBQKq74 ), we will demonstrate the healing power of love and light over the destructive negativity of hate and darkness. Here’s a link to a recent article I wrote on the subject: http://wellness101life.com/its-time-to-choose-love/.
We’ve raised more than $51,000 that we’ve used to complete production, editing and most of the post-production.
Even though we have reached our production fundraising goal, we are still raising money to reach as many people as possible with our film.
RENT THE FILM NOW at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/wwb3dayrental
The L.O.V.E. Is The Answer Movement has just begun and we have a lot of work ahead of us to distribute our film and bring people into a space of understanding, reconciliation, peace and love. Please become a financial and promotional partner of our efforts and ask your friends and associates to join you. There are opportunities for licensing and sponsorship. We have additional information available for your review, including how licensees can use the film in their organization and how sponsors will benefit. Join us in saying no to division and yes to reconciliation in our lifetime.
Peace and Love,
A.J. Ali
Director & Producer, Walking While Black: L.O.V.E. Is The Answer

Organizations may obtain a license to be able to screen the film for their audience as often as they like throughout the year (perfect for schools, libraries, nonprofits, churches, law enforcement agencies and other groups). For only $495 per year, organizations can license the film to screen to their audience at one location as many times as they want throughout the year. Even if you're not a decision-maker for an organization, you can still sponsor a license for your favorite organization. Doing so may be tax deductible (check with your financial advisor). See the sponsorship categories below and sign up as a "Licensee." We'll email you the Licensee Agreement. You can see complete licensing details, and download the licensing agreement, at www.walkingwhileblackthemovie.com.

The "Equal Protection Under the Law" clause of the 14th Amendment reads:
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

The Walking While Black film is intended to be used in a town-hall or classroom setting followed by solution-oriented discussion, relationship-building workshops and community activities. We intend to hold official screening/discussion/workshop events in cities throughout the country. We also intend on adding more video content in future years -- city-specific sequels celebrating progress made by implementing L.O.V.E. Our hope over the next 5-10 years is to reduce incidents of racial profiling by helping to build bridges of relationship between police and community that will increase public safety and officer safety, foster community policing and create healthier environments for everyone to live, work and play.
I invite you to join us. Wherever you are, whoever you are, you can make a difference. Whether you have a story to tell, money to support, time to give, ideas to share, or an organization willing to host a screening, we need your help.
Follow us on Facebook and get involved in the dialogue at www.facebook.com/walkingwhileblackthemovie.
We'll keep you updated every step of the way right here and at our facebook page.
Thank you for your support!
* A.J. Ali - Hollywood FAME Award winning Producer & Director
* Errol Webber - Producer & Director of Photography
* Lydia Hall - Editor
* Dan Brown, Jr. - Composer
Shirley Ali - Executive Producer
Dedicated to Abdul "Abbey" Rushlitt Ali
Mark Adams - Associate Producer
Derek Bowden - Associate Producer
Dan Brown Jr. - Associate Producer
Pia Civiletti - Associate Producer & Webmaster
Dr. Chance M. Glenn, Sr. - Associate Producer
Inga Lynch - Associate Producer
Randy Nixon - Associate Producer and Legal Advisor
Krystol Diggs
Clif Wright
Dawna Baker
Char Bland
Frank Kelly III
Joseph Metoyer
Lyle Randles
MB Rogers
Arlette Thomas-Fletcher
1. New Harvest Ministries, Baltimore, MD
2. Jefferson-Madison Regional Library, Charlottesville, VA
3. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, MD
4. College of Engineering, Technology, and Physical Sciences, Alabama A&M University - Dr. Chance M. Glenn, Sr.
5. Elaine McGinnis in Maryland
6 & 7. Chuck Whitmore in Maryland
8. ACTS Church, Venice, CA
9. Ascension Lutheran Church in Towson, MD
10. Johns Hopkins University
11. Baltimore City Police Department - Chief Melvin Russell
12. Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity - Art Cribbs
and many more!
VIP SUPPORTERS (in alphabetical order):
Millicent Bain
Selma Dillard
Zalee Harris
Jen Hayashi
Rowdy Herrington
William Maloney
Elaine McGinnis
Tucker Smallwood
Milton Vickers

August 28, 2013 -- The Promise & The Dream at the 50th Anniversary of the I Have A Dream speech. This is my "why."
"Someone once said that movies aren't made, they are forced into existence. Well, we will not stop until this film is forced into existence. We will not rest until racial profiling is a thing of the past. Too many people made too many sacrifices for us to quit shy of that finish line. We must persevere. We will persevere. We will complete our mission." -- A.J. Ali
A.j. Ali
Santa Monica, CA