WalkingWithAmerica BIG STARS NEEDED
Walking With America
The Event:
On April 1, 2018, I start my transcontinental journey from the Southernmost point of Key West, FL to San Francisco, CA.
Wouldn't you love to have the opportunity to give money or gifts in the hot raw moment, when the time is right when the need is all knowing! I know I will meet so many people on the road that need some kind of gift of kindness, and now you can help me give the right gift at the right time! This is your time to be the fairy, the godmother/father, the Robin Hood, the giver of unconditional gifts. I believe in you as we all have so much to give. Let's do this in partnership. We are going to make a difference. You are the shining star for many.
Example of Giving: I was walking along one day and stopped at a CVS for a bottle of water. At the entryway, a 10-year-old old boy was holding a sign that said, "Please give." I asked him what he would do with the money if it was given to him. He said, "My mom ran out of gas and we need to get home." I gave them enough money for gas to get home.
The Mission:
Inspiring communities to embrace a happy and healthy lifestyle, one step at a time, together.
The Non-Profit:
It takes time and money to start a good non-profit and what we have in the works is "Walking Heals America." We have an attorney, most of the paperwork completed, all we need is the right people to help us get it up in running. Some of this money will be used to do this incredible work that will be long-lasting. Please help, you are a shining star.
The Journey:
On my journey, I will be igniting participation, laughter, and fun as I invite people from all over the country to take control of their health and happiness, and join me as I walk across America.
Miles-3, 805 Miles
Months-6 Months
Average Miles-15 – 25 Miles per day
Walking Hours Per Day-6 – 9 Hours per day
Dates-April 1st – October 1st
Happy Hour Events - DAILY
Destinations: Key West, Miami, Jacksonville, Atlanta, Nashville, Kansas City, Denver, Las Vegas, Tahoe, San Francisco and a city near you!
The Request:
Over the course of 6 months of walking, I will be encouraging people to take their health and happiness into their own hands and start by simply walking with me, in this spirit, we all will feel good together and more dreams will come true, believe me, I've seen it happen already.
I will meet hundreds, if not thousands of people, many will not be able to walk with me, some will, many will walk a lot. I know I will encounter so many needs and programs that need support as well as so there will be an overwhelming demand for kindness and appreciation that I can share. Resources from this site will allow me to create surprises, offer help where needed and bring together people from all walks of life, like never before. Groups and Programs that I will look to support are, but not limited to;
-Mental Illness
-Children's Groups
-Veterans Homes
-Senior Citizens
-Other places I stop
-When I am witness to who needs your love and money.
The Action: I would like to leave funds, or "gifts to those in need," wherever I see or feel that something needs to be done. I will come back EACH TIME to share with all of you the amazing heartwarming stories that I will collect and examples how your generous donations will create heartfelt moments for the American People I meet. Many people, I am sure who are struggling, living in fear and worrying about our worlds current upset.
The Vision: It is my vision to walk my talk. Once I walk with people in their cities, it is my dream that they will continue these walks on their own to carry on with great hope and kindness. 9 AM every Saturday morning would be the sweet spot for all to join again and again.
Read More: Walking With America
I am asking Walkers to wear Yellow on the walk to leave a splash of happy wherever we go! We will be using Iconic images (yellow highway signs, eagles, a map of USA, backpacker) to help bring together a group of like-minded people to create a difference in peoples lives that is needed RIGHT now, TODAY!
90% of the monies from this site will be regifted. I am in the process of finding "BIG STAR" corporations to help with my personal funding needs and the needs of the campaign to get the word out so more walkers come out and walk, connect, laugh and heal.
All "BIG STAR" Gifts are appreciated:
1 Star: $1-$8 = A great big hug when I see you!
2 Stars: $9-29 = Complimentary H.E.A.T Bracelet, which stands for Happily Ever After Today. Free Shipping. Handmade and beautifully made just for this project by a young man and his family in Cancun, Mexico. When you wear it, your are reminded of how important living your best life today is.
3 Starts: $30 -$99 = Complimentary HOT OFF THE PRESS eBook, YOUR WAY, Happily Every After Today!
Created by Sheryl Lynn, Walking With America is a truly epic journey from Key West to San Francisco. Along with bright yellow clothing and 12 good pairs of sneakers, the foundation for her walk lies firmly grounded in the 7 Celebrations—the simple, heartfelt, and effective daily practices to cultivate your best self and unlock your greatest potential. Built to I.N.S.P.I.R.E. happiness and success, these daily Celebrations will build a strong foundation for your greater journey ahead. Written in plain English, from the heart, and with a healthy dose of fun, the 7 Celebrations bring powerful and life-changing results!"
4 Stars: $100-$499 = First Edition of Walking With America Long Sleeve Jersey Shirt. Plus, I will try my best to walk to you and say HI while I'm on the trail! Hope you are on my route and if not, maybe I can drive over for a visit at a later date. I would like to personally say thank you as you are going to help me make a whole bunch of smiles!
5 Stars: $500 and more, all of the above and a private discussion for inclusion in my next book, which will be out, directly after the walk. The stories collected will be crazy interesting. Your interview and video spot are secured in for the journey recap. Also, expect a really nice set of samples from our food and beverage partners!!! YUM!
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PS. If the gift descriptions are not exactly what you need or want and prefer something else, please let me know and I can switch things around.
Walking With America is currently the Marketing Arm for Burst Management, LLC.
Sheryl Lynn
Founder, Relationship Manager
Burst Management, LLC
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