All I want for Christmas are teeth!
Due to the medicines I've been taking the past 14 years my teeth are slowly decaying from the inside out. Eventually, I'm probably going to have to get all my teeth removed and have dentures and/or implants. However, the immediate need is to have two that are severely damaged with a huge hole cut out and a temporary partial plate made for the bottom so I can be out of constant pain and I can eat again.
I know in the long run I will have to do much more dental work. But, I'm only able to eat mush now and the pain is so intense that I just cry. I never usually ask for anything. I hate asking now. I know many of you are as financially strapped as I am.
Any donation you make, no matter how small, will be greatly appreciated. It will also directly go towards my teeth. I have spoken with an oral surgeon and a dentist and the cost breakdown is as follows:
Oral surgeon: 1496.00
Partial Bottoms so I can chew once the removal is done: 995.00
Emergency "patch" and antibiotics till procedure can be done: 300.00
Obviously, I am assuming parts of the cost myself. Such as, I have to go get an x-ray and CAT scan done on my teeth and mouth. Without dental insurance or insurance this will come out of pocket. But, sadly once this is done I can afford no more.
I will be updating this on my YouTube page as well as my Facebook page. I will be documenting my journey on YouTube. Thank you again for considering to donate to help me get my smile back and even more importantly to help me eat again, LOL.
Sorry this picture is so graphic but I wanted to honestly show the tooth and the pain I am in. Thank you again and bless you. Prayers and good vibes are donations that I will always take! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️