*WE DID IT!!!*
our campaign is now closed.
Thank you for helping us reach our ambitious fundraising goals, and helping the bunnies.
The vaccines have been ordered and plans have been made to vaccinate everyone in early june. Furthermore, bug-proofing the sanctuary is nearly complete.
Thank you so much for your help!
The Warren Peace Bunny Sanctuary is in danger. There is an outbreak of deadly Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Variant 2 (RHD2) in British Columbia, and the threat continues to grow. It has already moved from Vancouver Island to the Lower Mainland, and the Regional Animal Protection Society
has tragically had to euthanize all of its rabbits.
The Shelter's +300 bunnies are very vulnerable; and it has temporarily closed its doors to the public, to quarrantine the rabbits under its care.
But there is a ray of hope: a vaccine exists and can be imported by our local veterinarians. The vaccine will still take weeks to have an effect on the rabbits.
The Warren Peace Bunny Sanctuary needs $6000 to pay for the importation and administration of the vaccines, so that the bunnies will be safe.
The Warren Beace Bunny Sanctuary is a no-kill animal sanctuary based out of Oyama, British Columbia; and serving Kelowna, Vernon and the Okanagan valley. The WPBS is a Canadian registered non profit charity that provides shelter, food, and medical attention to rabbits in need.
Any Donation above $20 will get a tax receipt, provided we get your name and address.