We Love Mara
Donation protected
Mara writes:
Cancer can steal my hair
Drop pounds from my body
Kill my tastebuds
Take my appetite
Give me rashes on my face and body
Clog my tear ducts
Hollow my eyes
Rot my nails away
Give me a constant headache
But I will never let it steal my...
I will never stop praying that everyone touched by this disease feels peace and healing.
Please touch someone today with kindness. Open a door, give a compliment, give a random hug, support someone who is down, and be the amazing kind-hearted person you are!
Today a saying is ringing in my head, one that a friend of ours tells me on cards when he sends flowers and by texts to Keith ...
So....as we prepare for another day of seeing some of my favorite doctors .....and of course, wait for the “news,”...I will tell them that I am a winner and I am ready for whatever comes next!
Every day is a GREAT day....embrace it!
READ MARA'S WRITINGS welovemara.com
MARA'S STORY ( more here )
Mara Fulk was hospitalized from September 1 - 4 with severe stomach pains and diagnosed on September 11 after a huge mass was discovered, biopsied, and the type cancer identified: a serious and rare form of sarcoma cancer called Leiomyosarcoma. She gathered with her husband Keith, and their two children, Kiara and Alessandro, to face the treatment plan: shrink the large tumor encroaching on vital body organs to prepare for a rigorous surgery.
In a bit of a miracle and an amazing embrace of becoming a candidate for surgery (working out, weight lifting, meditation, Reiki, diet) an MD Anderson medical team decided to attempt this incredible, life-saving surgery.
On April 17th, Mara had four surgeries to remove the 4.8-pound Leiomyosarcoma tumor in her abdomen which resulted in the loss of over half of her stomach, her spleen, 2 feet of her intestines, a handful of lymph nodes, and a portal vein restructure, plus a Whipple—a remarkable pancreas removal that on its own is described as a tough though life-saving procedure. Mara is healing, regaining strength, and learning to live with Type 1 Diabetes, using enzymes for digestion and a newly configured body.
A group of friends is asking for your donations of any amount to offset the overwhelming medical expenses. All donations are deposited directly into Mara and Keith Fulk's bank account from GoFundMe.
A generous gift is to share this campaign on Facebook or Twitter or email the link to friends.
GoFundMe Helpers advises transparency in creating campaigns. This information is meant to encourage your donation and help you feel informed and safe.
Susan Michael Barrett and Erin Purdy are the team co-leaders of this GoFundMe campaign. We collaborated with the Fulk Family, Kara Bettle, Trish Hackworth, Michael Nelson, some young students, and others to gather information and create this campaign. All donations here are deposited directly into the Fulk Family bank account from GoFundMe. All donations of any amount are deeply appreciated.
$15,000 is the amount anyone may donate to an individual in a year (2020).
The recipient is not taxed.
The gift is not tax deductible.
Co-organizers (2)
Susan Michael Barrett
Bradenton, FL
Mara Fulk
Erin Purdy
Team member