We Love The Spill
Due to unforeseen circumstances, The Spill is closed. This is heartbreaking on so many levels, as the Spill was a safe and inclusive incubator for art and culture, a place that many musicians played their first show, and a community hub. It will be sorely missed.
The beating heart of The Spill was Dave Tobey, who put in countless hours to accommodate and encourage the art and culture community. Dave has worked tirelessly, often sacrificing other parts of his life to make sure the pirate ship that was the Spill stayed afloat.
As you may have heard, a fundraising concert has been planned on November 8 at Market Hall called We Love The Spill: a tribute to Dave Tobey . All of the funds will go to Dave Tobey to help him transition through the loss of his business. However, if you cannot make it to the concert but would still like to make a financial contribution, you can make a donation to the gofundme page.
Wednesday, November 8th
Market Hall Performing Arts Centre
$17 in advance | $20 at doors
All Ages | Licensed event
Tickets available Tuesday, October 24th
Melissa Payne
Nick Ferrio
Rhys Climenhage music
Mary-Kate Edwards Music
Jesse Foster
+ 1 more TBA