We Should Hang Out More Pilot
When Danielle and Rachel finished robbing that bank...I mean, first met, they instantly got along. A friend of there's, overhearing their witty banter, suggested they write a T.V. show. "We should solve mysteries" one of the suggested. "Mundane Mysteries", added the other.
Hi. We're Danielle and Rachel, two Actor/Writer/Model/comedians living in Atlanta, GA and this is "We Should Hang Out More"
Beth and Mitzy, two college students on summer break, fill their time as pseudo detectives. In this pilot episode we will discover how these two friends came to "Nancy Drew" their way through Atlanta in this Veronica-Mars-Meets-Broad-City comedy.
All of the money donated will go directly to production costs, including equipment, crew, locations, props, on set food, and editors. Oh, the editor. Production itself will take place in the end of October.
Tier 1 ($1) - Our love and affections
Tier 2 ($5) - Your beautiful name in our credits
Tier 3 ($10) - Entrance to our Livestream Q&A
Tier 4 ($50) - VIP entrance to our premiere party. (Local only) (TBD)
Tier 5 ($100) - We Should Hang Out More! Come hang out with us before the party! Bring your questions! (Not to mention surprise goody-bags there!) Local Only
After the film is completed our plan is to submit it to festivals at which point we will aim to get funding for the rest of the season!
There is a lack of representation in this industry for people who don't look and act a a certain way. We are tired of a lack of diversity, a lack of people of color, or interesting woman, of strong female representation. The change is happening, but it is slow. So, we have turned our words into actions. But, we need your help to do it!
We only have three weeks! Help us give our project the quality it deserves!
More info about Danielle , Rachel, and KKP Productions