Shayne Iverson Family Medical Fund
Hello! This is Jeremy Manners. This fundraiser is for Shayne Iverson and his family. Stefanie and Jeremie have been close friends for a long time.
Shayne who just celebrated his third birthday on September 19th was struck by a hunter’s stray bullet at 6 days old. Since then, if you haven't been following this heart-breaking story, the medical treatment and expenses have continued to accrue and will continue for a very long time.
Since the accident countless trips have been made to Children’s Hospital for appointments, not to mention additional surgeries, and emergency trips. This is not the first time he has been taken to the hospital via life flight. He most recently spent a few days in the hospital after a life flight on July 20th, 2016. Here is an update from that hospital trip. "Shayne's pituitary gland was damaged by the bullet so when he gets very sick or runs a fever he needs extra doses of his steroids because his body doesn't produce its own, his body cannot regulate his internal temperature so this leads to femoral seizures."
I want to be upfront and state that a Go Fund Me account was started just days after this tragic accident that did raise over 20k. That being said, I will also will let you know this. In the two years since the accident only Jeremie has been able to work, and that has been sporadic due to caring for Shayne, and raising two other children. They have yet to receive Social Security Disability for Shayne so much of the money originally raised has gone to medical expenses, prescriptions, travel costs, and etc... At this time other than Jeremie's pay, they have no other income. You can't imagine how costly this is for the family. The original account has dwindled to pennies!
If you see fit to give something it would be greatly appreciated, even if you gave before. If you absolutely cannot donate, please remember this family in your thoughts and prayers. The needs of the family are countless. Thank you!
For more photos or to follow Shayne - join the "Prayers for Shayne Iverson" Facebook Group
Here are a couple of the original news articles,