Wes Please (Kormos) Cancer Recovery Fund
Hi Friends,
On Monday, January 4, 2021, I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. For those who don't know, this is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. I won't get into details about the symptoms, but what I thought was fatigue and exhaustion from work quickly turned out to be much more serious.
I had bloodwork done in Victoria, and that evening the pathologist called me with the news.
I was immediately transported to Royal Jubilee Hospital, where an incredible team there prepped me for air transport via helicopter to Vancouver General Hospital.
Here in Vancouver, they have the most advanced, specialized and equipt team in all Western Canada for cancer treatment.
Since Monday night, I have had all the tests necessary to move ahead with chemotherapy treatment Friday, January 8. The next 12 months will be dedicated to removing cancer from my body and recovering from chemotherapy treatments.
The treatment and recovery plan goes as follows:
- The first month I will be in the hospital while they do heavy chemotherapy treatments every single day.
- When the cancer cells have been eliminated, I will spend the next 6-12 months receiving several treatments a week. During this time, I will need to live close to the Vancouver hospital, where my Dad, Kerry, will be my full-time caretaker.
- The final step will be to rebuild my strength and immunity as this process also destroys all my healthy immune cells.
The good news is that this is curable. The circumstances could not be better for me to make a full recovery with time.
I caught it early.
I am young, healthy, positive and full of willpower. Not to mention the amazing support from family and friends. Ultimately that is what is going to get me through this challenge of a lifetime.
But... YOUR love and support is instrumental to me making a full recovery and beating this cancer.
That being said, my dad and I will be out of work for the next 6-12 months. During this time, I will have limited strength and a compromised immune system. My dad is committing 100% of his time and love to be my full-time caregiver.
We will be busy with appointments, treatments, and coping with the physical, mental and emotional challenges of recovering from cancer of the blood.
This is not something I ever would have planned for, and it crushes me to have to share all this information to you and have to ask for your help.
As time goes on, this will be very financially hard with all kinds of expenses over the next year.
I will need to pay for chemotherapy treatments, medication, transportation, accommodations, food, utilities, and many other unknowns.
As a hard-working, independent person, this is very hard for me to do but I am asking for support.
This past year has already been one of the most challenging times of our lives. My love and support goes out to you as well. Anything you could spare will go a really long way.
My brother Sean is helping me manage the donations.
Wes and the entire Kormos family.
Fundraising team (6)