Chaim Rosenberg A"H Sefer Torah
We are all in shock, plunged into mourning by the sudden petirah of our beloved friend and mentor R' Chaim Rosenberg A"H.
A true mentch and baal middos, he had numerous friends from all walks of life and endeared himself to all.
Who didn’t love Chaim? How could you not love him? He was so pure, so genuine, so kind.Chaim was always smiling and ready to share a good word with one and all. His love for other people was always apparent. Chaim had a huge heart and was always ready to do a favor for anyone at anytime. He thought of others and worried about their plight. His own situation was always secondary in his eyes. Chaim had a great sense of humor and was able to bring joy and happiness in almost any environment.
Although he spent many years in the parsha of shidduchim, Chaim maintained strong emunah and bitachon, always believing that his yeshuah would come. Unfortunately, he never did marry, but his strength and composure under his circumstances serve as a source of inspiration to many.
Join us in paying tribute to Chaim's legacy. Under the guidance of the Roshei Yeshiva, we have setup this fund to ensure that Chaim would receive the proper remembrance that he deserved. It would be most befitting to see to it that values that he lived for will continue in his memory. We intend on using these funds to have Mishnayos learned and Kaddish recited in is memory. We also felt that it would be appropriate to Write a Sefer Torah Lilui Nishmaso. Chaim's devotion to Krias Hatorah as a professional Baal Koreh was extremely dear to him. We feel this is the least we can do to eternalize the name of our dear chaver.
We would appreciate hearing additional suggestions, please email [email redacted].
All donors will be updated as to the distribution of funds.
There are no gofundme fees associated with mailed checks which can be manually entered , please provide an email address, and /or comments to be posted .
Checks can be made out to Keren Orah And mailed to Att: Sefer Torah Fund 189 Glen Ave , Lakewood New Jersey 08701.
Please keep emailing this link to potential donors.
Yehi Zichro Barcuh- May His Memory be Blessed