When The Dead Live book
I wrote this book for those who are outside church walls. For those who feel like they are not invited to the table, when really they are.
In order to produce the book, I am needing to fundraise. You contributing financially to this project means this book will get into the hands of many who have never enterered the doors of our churches and speak life. Not to mention potentially reach bookstores such as Indigo and public libraries.
Will you partner with me to see captives free, prisoners released, the broken renamed and lives rebuilt?
The funds raised are to cover:
$1000 editing/formatting
$1500 copy editing
$1100 book cover
$1000 amazon creative spaces production
$3100 artwork inside (only if raised)
total with inside artwork :$7700.00
total without inside artwork: $4600.
My goal is to raise this amount before Christmas.
Many have contributed to my journey writing this book by reading it and giving feedback/endorsements. People such as: Paul Day, Rohadi Naggassar, Brian Egert, Natalie Rogge, Luc Neibergal, Jon Razz, Carolyn Neary, Jaz and Leslie Ghag, Jason Spears, Phil Kneisel, Adam Browett, Matt Dyck, Patti Miller, Greg Denie, Levi Switzer, John Eastabrooks, Tim Shultz, Jessica DiSabatino, Dave Wells, Preston Prouteaux, Matt Janes, Darcy McAlister, Bill Olson, Sara Warriner, Michael Fischer, Fred Middel, Mike Voll, Mark McKnight, Anthony Yackel, Tim Young, Curtis Lo, Krizia Carlos, Norella King, Andy Gabuch.
I also gave my manuscript to some in my hip hop community who I have been dwelling among for the past 10 years. Here is some of their feedback:
"Sadly the message of Jesus has been lost in translation and many people suffer from feeling ashamed of who they are on God's eyes.
This book has the ability to shatter that shame off of our souls. The spiritual practicality of what Jesus symbolizes is here in this book so read it to remember that you are loved just as you are. God doesn't care about rules and rituals, God cares about you., the real you.
Connie challenges us to surrender into our suffering as Jesus did. We run and hide from our pain, worrying that feeling it will make us unworthy; it won't. Surrender will bring is into a true relationship with ourselves, with Jesus, and with God.
I'm not a Christian and was still highly touched by Connie's translation of what walking with Jesus means. Get this book and free yourself from the shame holding you back from a joy filled life of purpose."
Braden Lyster, Calgary Hip Hop Community
"Powerful distinction – Man made religion vs true unwavering faith. When the Dead Live restores your belief in faith, thought-provoking – a must read!" Queenie Wei, The Chaos Harmonizer
What others are saying:
“In a culture where abandonment, brokenness and loneliness are regularly identified as common felt emotions Connie Jakab in “When the Dead Live” invites you to come on a journey she herself is experiencing. This is to discover life, freedom and wholeness not by having perfect circumstances, being good enough or by achieving self-actualization but by fully belonging to the One who immerses us in his life. I invite you to engage “When the Dead Live” with the same openness that Connie writes with.”
- Dave Wells, Superintendent of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
In the book When The Dead Live Connie Jakab masterfully articulates, at a raw and honest level , thoughts about her faith. She has willing addressed the uncomfortable issues that we all ponder at one time or another. Connie goes past fluff and ventures to deeper issues of Christianity. Her book is a must read for those who get stuck in the cobwebs of traditional answers.
- Carolyn Neary, Author and Public Speaker
"Connie Jakab’s expansive imagination for a beautiful journey with Jesus echoes an ancient clarion call. There is an everlasting love gleaming in the dark, this inviting book traces the contours of the Light that embraces us home."
-Preston Pouteaux, author, The Bees of Rainbow Falls: Finding Faith, Imagination, and Delight in Your Neighbourhood
"When the Dead Live is Connie Jakab’s down to earth way of revealing who Jesus really was and is to people who may have never given him so much as a second thought. Through the use of stories from her personal life and the Bible she artfully reveals the kind of person that people from all walks of life have been attracted to and transformed by through the centuries. This book will certainly make you think and rethink who Jesus is. You won’t be disappointed."
- Mike Voll, Associate Pastor Northpointe Church, Edmonton, AB
"In her book ‘When the Dead Live” Connie Jakab gives us an honest glimpse into her story and experience with Jesus. Through her thought-provoking questions, struggles, and stories about identity, connection, and life itself, this book follows the arc and human cry we all have for meaning and purpose. The book breaks through the religious layers we often wrap ourselves in, and beautifully brings us back to the core heartbeat of Jesus. “When the Dead Live” reminds me of the words spoken by Philip, one of the first followers of Jesus. Responding to a skeptic’s question about Jesus, Philip gives the invitation to ‘come and see.’ Connie’s book provides the same invitation to the skeptic, the hurting, the broken, and everyone in between to find and experience Jesus in a new way."
- Anthony Yackel, Pastor
"Too often, most of us grow weary. We are tired of trying to be good enough, to earn our way to heaven. We are exhausted from living with guilt, seeking love, desiring purpose, pursuing hope…but missing life.
In When the Dead Live, Connie Jakab introduces us to a real Jesus who offers us real life. We stop striving and start letting God give us all we have been chasing: love, mercy, purpose, meaning, acceptance, healing, freedom…. How? He invites us into real relationship with Him and showers us with His extravagant grace.
This book could change your life because this Jesus will change your life."
- Judy Douglass, Author, Speaker, Encourager
Director, Women’s Resources and Prayer for Prodigals
Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ
"Connie Jakab is an extremely important and powerful voice in the Body of Christ today. This book cuts away all the clutter and gets to the essence of what the Good News really is. You can agree, or disagree with the contents inside, but you certainly can’t ignore the message that Connie clearly articulates throughout each chapter of this book."
- Jessica DiSabatino, Pastor Church in the Hills
"Jesus is not going to fit in your heart. The story he invites us into is far too large." Written with simple beauty, raw honesty and compassionate empathy, When the Dead Live offers an irresistible invitation to un-learn the Jesus we think we know, and find the courage to be known - truly known - by a God whose love is greater than we ever imagined. Connie writes as one who has seen dark places, one who can be trusted, as she gently but persistently invites the reader to reflect and welcome a God who heals, who restores, and who brings life from death."
- Patti Miller, Pastor Evangel Montreal
“It is an honour and joy to commend to you my friend and fellow Kingdom sojourner Connie, and her new book ‘When The Dead Live’! Connie is the real deal. She’s experienced the Good News of Jesus in her own life, and has boldly stepped out to creatively communicate this Good News in the heart language, music, and dance of her tribe. In her new book, she shares vulnerably about her own journey and personal pain to walk out of the shackles of shame, fear, and religion, and into the freedom and fullness of life found in Jesus! She nails it in uncovering the human longing in all of us to be loved for who we are and to belong. ‘When the Dead Live’ is a book for all who are waiting to hear the timeless invitation of Jesus saying to us: ‘Come Home! You are loved, and I have a place reserved for you at my table!’
- Tim Schultz – Catalyst and Organic Architect in The Mosaic, Regional Leadership Team for the Vineyard, and Church Rep for World Vision in Alberta
"This is a simple invitation into an encounter. Through Connie’s work as an artist and educator we hear a fresh call to engage with Jesus in the midst of our own rawness and reality. Connie’s honesty gives us permission to set aside the clutter that surrounds engaging with God and encourages the reader to hear and respond to the voice of Love."
- Kelly Johnson, Spiritual Broker, University Campus Ministries
“Connie's new book, When The Dead Live, puts words to the silent and urgent cries of those of us looking for a real Jesus in our day to day life. This book brings clarity to confusion and puts some more hope at the end of the tunnel”
- Michael Fischer, Neighbourhood Church Medicine Hat.
"For anyone that has looked at religious systems and found them wanting; or felt stuck in shame, hopelessness, or fear; When the Dead Live was written for you. Connie partners with God to tell you about the Good News of Jesus which is actually Good News! Experience the life transforming truth that will change you from the inside out and help you to live the life you were always intended to live."
- Matt Dyck, Campus Pastor, SunWest Christian Fellowship
"Those of us who promote the Christian faith have gotten something backwards. We have front loaded the religion of Jesus with so many matters of belief that we are, in effect, asking people to swallow a whole package before they’re even allowed to get close to him. In her book When The Dead Live, Connie Jakab repackages Jesus and takes him from the realm of the religious and makes him more accessible to the masses. If you’re looking for a different version of Jesus to trust with your life, this book will draw you to an authentic representation of Christ - one you can have faith in. After reading if you’re still searching for him, you could comfort yourself by this: Jesus wasn’t a “Christian", and maybe you don’t have to be one either."
- Matt Janes - National Director, STMnetwork.ca | Manager of Global Volunteers, PAOC International Missions
"I was extremely moved when I read the book. I definitely felt the spirit of God move through Connie's words. Connie is an amazing story teller with a lot of heart. I remember when she sent me the first draft of the book; I was at work at the hospital feeling very drained in my spirit. I read the script during my breaks and when I got home; it was hard to put down and I was moved to tears."
- Krizia Carlos, Mental Health Nurse
"Pow! Bang! Boom! Irrelevant Christianity takes a sensible and timely beating in this succinct book on Jesus. There is deep conviction here on par with Joyce Meyer. There is warmth and authenticity here akin to Stormie Omartian. Whether Connie is weaving in her beautiful image of ‘The Crown’ throughout the work, or speaking of our new names as Oaks of Righteousness, there’s something fresh, bold, and prophetic about this work. I have 2 favorite Connie musings from the book. In speaking about the suffering we all face, Connie writes,’ My problem isn't with suffering, my problem is with happiness. Happiness reminds me of all that is missing, and no matter how hard I try, it always seems to be just out of reach.’ (11) The solution to unattainable happiness? Read the book! Here’s a hint, from Connie’s words,’ Jesus is not going to fit in your heart…The story he invites us into is far too large. He is inviting us into the core of God’s desire.’ (6) Connie has certainly invited us well into His in this work."
- Rev Tim Young, Assistant Pastor, Harvest City Church
"In a world full of hypocrites, legalists and imposters, Connie Jakab is the real deal when it comes to walking out her faith as a Christian. Her passion is contagious and her heart for people is inspiring. I’ve always led my Christian life through the lens of this quote, “There are dark places in this world because Christians are too afraid to go there.” Connie’s book ‘WHEN THE DEAD LIVE’ goes there. Connie is a voice in the darkness and this book is raw and relatable, the kind of book that will make you think regardless of where you find yourself on the Christian continuum. If you are looking for a window into “real-life” Christianity, you’ve found it. Be bold, be brave and ask God to speak to you while you read this book, who knows… maybe he’ll say something to you?"
- Adam Browett, Pastor West Edmonton Christian Assembly
"Anyone who has been jaded, become disenchanted, or feels disconnected from Christianity will relate to this read. Connie takes a down to earth view on describing what being a Christ follower is really about. She shatters our preconceived ideas of who we think Jesus is, and tells us plainly who He really is. A God who pursues us, which in turn changes everything about how we relate to Him and how we live our life. Her candidness and honesty are both refreshing and moving."
- Phil Kniesel, Pastor Millwoods Church
"I found myself reflecting on an ancient text,
through the lens of fresh language,
to recognize the beauty of good news."
- Mark McKnight, Vanguard College
"It’s easy to spot someone being fake, someone trying not only to deceive others but to convince even themselves that what they are saying is true. In this book Connie is raw and honest about her past addictions, darknesses and struggles—she isn’t faking anything-no fluff, which makes you feel comforted. She unpacks the common misconception that we have to fake it until we make it with Jesus. We see the truth that EVERYONE is welcome to find freedom and peace without first changing our behaviour.
I cried multiple times while reading this, her writing style brings you face to face with her highs and her lows which look a lot like most of ours. This is the most simple explanation of who we were created to be and what we were created to experience.
If you are currently or have ever experienced doubt in who you are or why you’re here, you need to read this. Christian or not, this book takes us into a real experience of death and life, addiction, depression and hardship and the real, honest hope that flips all of that on its head. This book has the keys to get us out of our hurt and hate forever-no bs.
Connie writes in such an honest way, making me feel hopeful and ok for the struggles I’ve gone through and that there is a light at the end, there is an answer for the now.
It’s a quick read that will impact your life forever, seriously. "
- Levi Switzer, Skateboard Jesus Lover
"This book invites a conversation about truth, grace and hope in Jesus. The words genuinley interaction with the reader, speaking honestly from her personal walk in faith and the deep care she has for the world around her."
- Jaz and Leslie Ghag, Pastors Gibsons